THEMA: Zimbabwe auf dem Weg der Besserung!
30 Jun 2008 10:58 #70980
  • Joerg
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  • Joerg am 30 Jun 2008 10:58
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habe ich gerade per mail bekommen.

JAG=Justice of Agriculture, ist eine Organisation, die versucht die Leute(Farmer) auf dem Laufenden zu halten

At approximately 3 o'clock this afternoon a group of armed 'war vets' and
youth (militia?) seriously assaulted Mr. Frank Trott on the Meredith's farm
near Chegutu. Frank has been hospitalised.

From there the group visited Mike Campbell's Mount Carmel farm (SADC
Tribunal Windhoek Case) where Mike Campbell, his wife, Angela and the
son-in-law, Ben Freeth were seriously beaten before being abducted at
gunpoint. Eye witness reports indicate 14 weapons amongst the group reputed
to be headed by war veteran Moyo (Moyo drove the Roger's assault). Mike's
son, Bruce, followed at a distance and shots were fired at him. The
Campbell's and Ben Freeth were followed to Stockdale Farm (Etheredge) where
further pursuit was prevented by further shots being fired.

A further more recent report indicates that a Mr. Bronky Bronkhorst's dairy
farm in the near vicinity of the Campbell property is being ransacked and
looted at this point in time.

The whereabouts of the Campbell's and Ben Freeth is unknown at this time and
is cause for serious concern.



Es gibt NIX, das es nedd gibt
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30 Jun 2008 11:35 #70982
  • Guido.
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  • Guido. am 30 Jun 2008 11:35
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Dafür wird Mugabe heute in Sharm-el-Sheikh ja wieder von seinen afrikanischen Kollegen gebauchpinselt. Den Vorabberichten zufolge werden die Wahlen in Simbabwe und die Rolle Mugabes nicht verurteilt. Man wird sich wieder ganz allgemein und unverbindlich gegen Gewalt aussprechen und den Dialog mit der Opposition empfehlen. So wie das seit Jahren höchst erfolglos läuft... Allein das Mugabe als Präsident von Simbabwe am AU-Gipfel teilnehmen darf, verschafft ihm Legitimation.

Ich meine wir sind weit weg und tun uns hier leicht mit Kritik und Urteilen. Aber die Morgan Tsvangirai immer wieder vorgeworfene Führungsschwäche scheint auch keine reine Erfindung der Medien zu sein. Wer erst große Ultimaten stellt, um dann 2 Tage später das genaue Gegenteil anzubieten, gibt nicht die glücklichste Figur ab.

Beste Grüße

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30 Jun 2008 11:44 #70984
  • Helmar
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  • Helmar am 30 Jun 2008 11:44
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Hallo Joerg,
habe mir erlaubt, Deinen Artikel re ZIM Farmen an die Nachrichtenagentur Independent Online ZA zu schicken, die diese Meldung noch nicht hatten. Gruss, Helmar
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30 Jun 2008 22:05 #71027
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 30 Jun 2008 22:05
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Moin zusammen.
Is Mbeki lobbying for Mugabe?
Zimbabwe's opposition leader accused South African President Thabo Mbeki on Sunday of lobbying for Robert Mugabe to be recognised as head of state after staging a one-man election.
South Africa rebuffs West on Zimbabwe
Despite an increasingly thunderous chorus of complaints that the presidential runoff in Zimbabwe will be neither free nor fair, the governing party of South Africa, the African National Congress, rejected international diplomatic intervention Tuesday, arguing that \"any attempts by outside players
Zim crisis - 'replace Mbeki'
The South African president has been negotiating between Mugabe and Zimbabwe's opposition since last year, but has been widely criticised for being ineffective and too soft on Mugabe.,,2-11-1662_2346978,00.html
SA arms flow to Zimbabwe
South Africa has been supplying Zimbabwe with weapons of war, including helicopters, revolvers and cartridges -- despite the mounting human rights atrocities in that country.
Analysis: Africa’s democracy deficit hinders action against Mugabe
Robert Mugabe has made a career out of calling Africa’s bluff. On Monday, he is likely to do it again.
Mugabe thanks Mbeki
We are grateful to SADC, and the role of statesmanship played by President Thabo Mbeki, the SADC-appointed mediator of the inter-party dialogue between Zanu-PF and the two MDC formations. Zimbabwe is indebted to his untiring efforts to promote harmony and peace

Gruß, Michael
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01 Jul 2008 16:53 #71092
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 30 Jun 2008 22:05
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Letzte Änderung: 01 Jul 2008 16:54 von Yoshikawa.
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01 Jul 2008 18:00 #71097
  • holger
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  • holger am 01 Jul 2008 18:00
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Yoshikawa schrieb:Wenn es nicht so traurig wäre...
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