THEMA: Raubüberfall
03 Dez 2018 06:59 #541264
  • GinaChris
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  • GinaChris am 03 Dez 2018 06:59
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12 Std. ·
Armed robbers again targets tourists at a lodge
Niel Terblanche
A suspended police officer is in custody along with three other armed robbers after they were arrested at the Kapps Farm permanent roadblock shortly they overpowered three foreign visitors at a lodge near the Hosea Kutako Airport.
It is the second time in little more than a week that foreign visitors to Namibia have become the victims of a gang of armed robbers when they were overpowered at their overnight facilities late at night. From the recent arrests it seems as if armed gangs have now shifted their focus to targeting tourists at prime lodges in the area of the airport.
The previous gang that was arrested last weekend robbed tourists at the N/a'an ku sê Lodge while the latest incident occurred a few minutes after midnight on Sunday morning at the Ondekaremba Lodge five kilometres down the road from the international airport.
Quick reactions by the members of the Namibian Police stationed at the Hosea Kutako International Airport and officers manning the Kapps Farm permanent roadblock reacting to an alarm raised by local residents, however led to the arrest of the gang as well as the recovery of most of the items stolen from three tourists.
The suspended police officer was previously stationed at the Katutura Police Station and reportedly acted as the getaway driver for the three other armed thugs.
According to a reort by police three of the suspects held three American tourists at a gun point and robbed them of their property that included cash, suit cases containing clothes, cell phones, bottles of liquor, credit cards and cameras with a combined value in excess of N$168 000.
The four suspects were identified as the 29-year-old John Alweendo, Max Nashilongo (36), Paulus Shilumbu (40) and Hesekiel Iyambo (30), the suspended police officer from the Katutura Police Station who acted as the driver of the get-away car, a grey Mercedes Benz C200 with registration number N 84824 W.
The gang of thugs were charged with armed robbery and possession of a fire arm without a license.
Most of the stolen items were recovered and officers are still looking for certain items that the suspects threw away while fleeing the scene of the armed robbery. The suspects were found in possession of pistol of which the serial number is filed off. The vehicle they used was also impounded by police at the roadblock.
The victims of the armed robbery are all current residents of the United States of America.

Quelle: fb Informante
Gruß Gina
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03 Dez 2018 08:54 #541269
  • travelNAMIBIA
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  • travelNAMIBIA am 03 Dez 2018 08:54
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"Nach einem Überfall auf drei Reisende in der Ondekaremba Econo Lodge unweit des Internationalen Flughafens Hosea Kutako konnten alle vier Verdächtigen umgehend festgenommen werden. Polizeiangaben nach wurden die vier Personen, darunter scheinbar ein suspendierter Polizist, an der ständigen Polizeikontrolle Richtung Windhoek verhaftet. Bis auf ein wenig Bargeld konnten alle gestohlenen Gegenstände sichergestellt werden. Die Gäste seien wenig später in die Heimat zurückgeflogen. Der Überfall sei sehr ruhig verlaufen, was sich auch daran gezeigt habe, dass die Opfer selber mit dem Fahrzeug die Polizei verständigen konnten, wie der Pressesprecher von Ondekaremba gegenüber Hitradio Namibia bestätigte." (Hitradio Namibia, 3.12.2018)

Viele Grüße
Vom 10. bis 20. Oktober 2024 kaum im Forum aktiv!
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03 Dez 2018 10:53 #541289
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  • BMW am 03 Dez 2018 10:53
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Na ja.....wenn die wieder für ca 5 Euro Kaution auf freien Fuss kommen..... Es wird die nicht gross

beeindrucken....... ( Justitia offenbar vice versa rassistisch !!!!! ) .....

Letzte Änderung: 03 Dez 2018 13:45 von BMW.
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04 Dez 2018 13:20 #541430
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  • Logi am 04 Dez 2018 13:20
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Heute in der AZ

Mitternächtliche Räuber schnell in Haft:

...Der Fahrer des Fluchtwagens soll mit einem gestohlenen Polizistenausweis unterwegs gewesen sein. Die Untersuchung dauert an...

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04 Dez 2018 19:54 #541460
  • rhh64
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  • rhh64 am 04 Dez 2018 19:54
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Auch Naankuse:

... the arrest a gang of five armed thugs that robbed tourists staying at Namibia’s world renowned N/a'an ku sê Lodge.
According to Chief Inspector Kauna Shikwambi from the Public Relations Division of the Namibian Police, the incident occurred at about 02:00.
“Initial reports indicate that the armed men overpowered four foreign visitors as well as their South African tour guide inside the rooms where they were supposed to overnight and tied them up with ropes. The Gang then proceeded to plunder the rooms and stole all their valuable personal belongings before fleeing in a vehicle waiting nearby.”
Chief Inspector Shikwambi said members of the Namibian Police were notified and an area wide search for the armed thugs ensued. Members of the Kapps Farm community assisted in the search and the armed robbers were apprehended soon afterwards.
“The vehicle the gang used as a getaway car was impounded and all of the stolen property found in their possession was recovered.”
“Although being traumatised by the incident none of the tourists sustained any injuries. The tourists along with their guide are all in a stable condition.”
According to Chief Inspector Shikwambi three of the tourists are from Germany and the fourth is from Poland.

Müll-Kommentare a la "ist normal und so wie in Deutschland" zeugen von bodenloser Naivität oder einem penetranten Ignoranten-Status. Wer liest, findet unzählige Beispiele für Gewalt gegen Touristen, mittlerweile leider auch in Namibia. Also: Immer schön vorsichtig sein!
Beste Grüße

Letzte Änderung: 04 Dez 2018 19:59 von rhh64.
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Sandra, Elchontherun, freshy, Logi, holgiduke, Malbec, Mustang05, GinaChris
04 Dez 2018 22:07 #541479
  • ron74
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  • ron74 am 04 Dez 2018 22:07
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rhh64 schrieb:
Auch Naankuse:

Müll-Kommentare a la "ist normal und so wie in Deutschland" zeugen von bodenloser Naivität oder einem penetranten Ignoranten-Status. Wer liest, findet unzählige Beispiele für Gewalt gegen Touristen, mittlerweile leider auch in Namibia. Also: Immer schön vorsichtig sein!

Was befähigt Dich denn zu dieser fast beleidigenden Aussage - dass Du irgendwelche Zeitungsartikel liest und zitierst? So, wie es viele hier tun- ohne eine wirkliche Ahnung zu haben? Ich frage mich nach der Intension? Ich zitiere mal den Buchtitel eines deutschen Amtsrichters, das ich gerade lese: "Wenn Deutschland so scheiße ist, warum sind Sie dann hier?"


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