THEMA: Zimbabwe auf dem Weg der Besserung!
11 Feb 2009 10:22 #90353
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 11 Feb 2009 10:22
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Moin zusammen.

Wer den Weltspiegel-Bericht gesehen hat, wird sich beim Inhalt dieses Artikels sicherlich die dazu kontrastierenden Bilder dieser Feier vorstellen können.
Champagne, lobster and caviar: Robert Mugabe plans binge in land of hunger

In recent days they have been out soliciting “donations” from corporate Zimbabwe and have drawn up a wish list that is scarcely credible in a land where seven million citizens survive on international food aid, 94 per cent are jobless and cholera rampages through a population debilitated by hunger.
The list includes 2,000 bottles of champagne (Moët & Chandon or ’61 Bollinger preferred); 8,000 lobsters; 100kg of prawns; 4,000 portions of caviar; 8,000 boxes of Ferrero Rocher chocolates; 3,000 ducks; and much else besides. A postscript adds: “No mealie meal” — the ground corn staple on which the vast majority of Zimbabweans survived until the country’s collapse rendered even that a luxury.
Those who prefer to give in cash, not kind, are invited to send “donations” of between $45,000 and $55,000 to a US dollar bank account in the name of the 21st February Movement, a youth organisation controlled by Zanu (PF) and named after the date of the President’s birthday.

Und bitte niemals vergessen, dass dieses Regime von der südafrikanischen Regierung jederzeit massiv unterstützt wurde!
SA's R300m aid gift to Zim a 'waste of money'
South African taxpayers' gift of R300-million to Zimbabwe was a waste of money and some of it is being misused for the benefit of President Robert Mugabe's cronies in Zanu-PF.
Africans, don't blame the whites

Colonialism cannot explain Third World poverty. Some of today's richest countries are former colonies, such as the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong. Some of today's poorest countries were never colonies, such as Ethiopia, Liberia, Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan. The colonialism argument is simply a cover-up for African dictators and people.

What Africa needs is a lot of self-criticism. The fact that Africa breeds and worships figures like Mugabe, because of their own anti-white racism is disheartening. It's incredible that any white sends aid to Africa when Africans are anti-white racists.
Zimbabwe Launches Drive to Remove Last White Farmers
Zimbabwe's remaining few hundred white farmers are under intense pressure to abandon their land, crops, homes and workers on the eve of a unity government. Most white farmers were evicted from their land by Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe's government earlier this decade.
Zimbabwe's remaining white commercial farmers are being threatened with violent eviction or charges of trespass. Several top vegetable producers have already been evicted from their small holdings on the northern edge of Harare.
Gab`s da nicht einmal ein Urteil aus Windhoek?

Gruß, Michael
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16 Feb 2009 06:42 #90894
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 11 Feb 2009 10:22
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Moin zusammen.

Zunächst zum heutigen Wettgewinner :-))
Mugabe ordert 8000 Hummer für Geburtstagsparty
Der Potentat feiert, sein Volk darbt: Während Simbabwe unter Hyperinflation und Cholera leidet, plant Robert Mugabe ein rauschendes Fest zu seinem 85. Geburtstag. 2000 Flaschen Champagner sind geordert, auch 8000 Hummer bestellt.,1518,607692,00.html
Robert Mugabe loyalists plan final eviction of white farmers as his \"birthday present\"
A secret plan has been hatched by by Robert Mugabe's most loyal supporters to evict the last of Zimbabwe's white farmers from their land before his 85th birthday.

Wenn man ihn nicht als Minister will, dann nimmt man ihn halt fest:
Police in Zimbabwe charge MDC minister with terrorism
Roy Bennett, Zimbabwe's deputy agriculture minister and one of the opposition politicians in the country's new unity government, has been charged with planning terrorism and insurgency.
The development throws into stark relief the lack of mutual trust inside the new goverment, which was supposed to lead Zimbabwe out of a political and economic crisis after long negotiations between President Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF party and its bitter opponents, the opposition Movement for Democratic Change.
Robert Mugabe henchmen bent on sabotaging fragile partnership
Zimbabwe’s fledgeling power-sharing Government staggered into its fifth day yesterday as fears grew that a shadowy cabal of President Mugabe’s top security bosses are edging towards a military coup.
Zimbabwe: Robert Mugabe 'buys £4m apartment in Hong Kong'
The Zimbabwean leader President Robert Mugabe has bought a £4 million apartment in Hong Kong, it has been reported.

Gruß, Michael
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16 Feb 2009 10:15 #90907
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 11 Feb 2009 10:22
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Eine Ergänzung:
Ein schwarzer Freitag: Roy Bennett verschleppt – AZ dabei
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21 Feb 2009 16:06 #91513
  • Okavango
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  • Okavango am 21 Feb 2009 16:06
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Offenbar hat die Regierungsbeteiligung der MDC derzeit leider keinerlei Einfluß auf das Handeln der Mugabegünstlinge...:
HARARE – At least 40 farms owned by the few remaining white farmers in Zimbabwe have been invaded by top government and party officials since the opposition MDC agreed to enter into an inclusive government with President Robert Mugabe’s ZANU PF party, a farmers union has said.

“There must be at least 40 farms that have been invaded in the past few days,” Commercial Farmers Union (CFU) president Trevor Gifford told ZimOnline this week.

Der ganze Artikel ist zu lesen auf:
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23 Feb 2009 10:15 #91710
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 11 Feb 2009 10:22
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Moin zusammen.

Aber die politische Klasse ist doch nun in Afrika wirklich wichtiger als die Bevölkerung; die ist doch vom Westen zu füttern:
Zimbabwe Cabinet costs 'could feed half country'
Zimbabwe's new unity 46-member Cabinet will cost $2 million a month in salaries and allowances, a figure enough to feed about half of the starving population.
Cholera infection exceeds 80 000 – WHO

Nachdem die von Südafrika gewährten 300.000.000 Rand wohl dazu benutzt wurden, ZANU-Großkopfete und, schlimmer, wenn es stimmt, MDC-Funktionäre zu kaufen, muss, angesichts der völlig unverständlichen Zurückhaltung Europas und der USA, jemand anders anfangen, wieder Geld nach Zimbabwe zu pumpen:
Motlanthe appeals to SADC for aid
JOHANNESBURG – South African President, Kgalema Motlanthe, has invited the regional Southern African Development Community (SADC) bloc to offer financial aid to Zimbabwe, which is currently reeling under a decade-long economic crisis.Zimbabwe also faces a serious humanitarian crisis.

Da hat der designierte Vize-Minister doch wenigstens Gesellschaft, denn Besuch darf er nur einmal in der Woche bekommen:
Bennett shares cell with dead man
Cape Town (AP) – The body of a detainee who died in prison on Thursday while sharing a cell with MDC treasurer Roy Bennett was still in the cell on Friday.

Statt ihre Staatsangehörigen zu unterstützen, hilft die südafrikanische Regierung Mugabe, sie zu enteignen:
SA government ‘conniving’ with Mugabe to remove white farmers
Chiredzi(ZimEye) Top South African government officials might be working with ZANU PF to unlawfully remove white farmers off their productive farmland, the ZimEye has learnt.

As a South African national, Henning has to his side the protection of the South African government which help he has now sought but none has yet come. In a letter to a Mr Simmins, Henning pours out his heart crying for help the second time in a week sounding his concerns.

Und die Regierung kann man immer noch vergrößern:
Outrage Over 71 Ministers
THE government is still battling to accommodate the 61 new ministers and deputy ministers amid revelations the decision to inflate the number of ministers of state has caused friction in the two Movement for Democratic Change formations.
Mavambo, an opposition group yesterday launched a scathing attack on the bloated government saying it reflected “abundantly that this GNU was all about convenience for the politicians and not about delivery of service to the people”.
President Robert Mugabe last week swore in five ministers of state and 19 deputy ministers bringing the number of ministers, and deputy ministers to 61.
When the 10 governors are sworn in at a date to be announced, this would bring the size of the government to 71 members.

Gruß, Michael
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18 Mär 2009 21:14 #94709
  • Carsten Möhle
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  • Carsten Möhle am 18 Mär 2009 21:14
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auch um einmal wieder in die Ebene der Trivialität hinabzugleiten:
Es gibt wieder ausreichend Benzin in Victoria Falls. Preis 1 US$.

Das Zahlungssystem ist zur Zeit fast komplett auf US$ und Südafrikanische Rand umgestellt.

Mit sonnigen Grüßen aus Windhoek
Carsten Möhle
Letzte Änderung: 18 Mär 2009 21:15 von Carsten Möhle. Begründung: Ünerschrift wiederhergestellt
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