THEMA: Zimbabwe auf dem Weg der Besserung!
19 Jan 2009 15:32 #87422
  • schoelink
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  • schoelink am 19 Jan 2009 15:32
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So ich darf ihnen bitten lieber forum mitglieder:

Geht nicht mehr ins Zimbabwe! Man helft nur ein Tiran sein macht behalten. Um Vic Falls zu sehen geht lieber nach Sambia!

Grusse, Hans
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22 Jan 2009 10:30 #87830
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 22 Jan 2009 10:30
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Moin zusammen.
SW Radio Africa Transcript
HOT SEAT interview: Journalist Violet Gonda interviews Physicians for Human Rights CEO Frank Donaghue who says Mugabe is now a global threat.

And I think this is was what prompted us within two months to be in Zimbabwe and do this research and to have this report issued, both in Johannesburg and in the United Nations. What we found was absolutely startling. You know people talk about the cholera epidemic and I think the statistics of cholera speak for themselves, in most countries in war-torn countries, about 1% of people who contract cholera die. In Zimbabwe it is over 5% and in some regions in Zimbabwe it has been as high as 34, 35%. So 35% of the people that are getting cholera in some places in Zimbabwe are dying. Coincidentally they are of course in regions where the MDC is more popular than Mr Mugabe’s regime.

So that was the first thing and then we visited regions in rural areas. There is no public health system. We all know that, it is gone. Mr Mugabe has completely destroyed that basically because of his incredibly poor bad economic policies and the collapse of the economy. There is no water and sanitation. I mean we saw kids drinking out of the sewer. Turn on someone’s spigot for those people who do have water and see what comes out - and so you have the water collapse which is obviously part of the cholera epidemic.
Zimbabwe cholera threat shifts to rural areas
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe's cholera epidemic is spreading to rural areas because people with the preventable disease have quit heavily-infected urban centres for the countryside, an agency official said Wednesday.

Gruß, Michael
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22 Jan 2009 16:45 #87872
  • Ketty
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  • Ketty am 22 Jan 2009 16:45
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Unglaublich oder, warum bedruckt man Papier überhaupt noch?;2131872
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23 Jan 2009 07:06 #87935
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 22 Jan 2009 10:30
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Moin zusammen.
Zanu-PF loots donated South African agriculture aid
As was predicted by Zimbabwe's main opposition, MDC, the corrupt Zanu-PF Members of Parliament have abused the South African R300 million agricultural aid after looting fertilizers, maize seed and fuel.

The eight corrupt Zanu-PF legislators, who are close allies of president Robert Mugabe, were working together with some farmers and members of the public to swindle large quantities of the ammonium nitrate, Compound D and maize seed.

The inputs were brought into the country recently but unfortunately fell in wrong hands of Zanu-PF members in influential positions.

Late last year, South Africa handed over R300 million aid to Zimbabwe to bail out Zimbabwe's crippled agriculture sector.

The MDC chided South Africa for disbursing the aid to the Zanu-PF government before the finalisation of the peace deal.

The revelations are a confirmation of how unscrupulous Zanu-PF members are abusing the South Africa's R300 million agriculture aid.

Mugabe's henchman, Brigadier General Douglas Nyikayaramba, handles the inputs that were sourced by South Africa.

Vielleicht hätte der malawische Präsident im letzten Jahr doch nicht so viel Mais als Unterstützung für das Mugabe-Regime liefern sollen:
Hunger hits Malawians hard as maize price soars
When private traders projected six months ago that prices of maize would escalate because of the scarcity of the grain, government hastily dismissed the frank talk claiming it had enough stock to feed the nation even for two years.
Slave-labourers dig Zimbabwe's blood-diamonds
IRIN news reports from Mutare in Zimbabwe that the vast Chiadzwa diamond fields have been taken over by the military -and they now force Marange villagers to dig out the tiny diamonds at gunpoint. Dealers warn Zimbabwe is now producing blood-diamonds.
The Chiadzwa diamond diggings, some 90km southwest of Zimbabwe's diamond-boom town of Mutare, have come to resemble a military garrison, IRIN news reports. Police reportedly shot and killed as many as 50 informal diamond diggers in the two-month raid, allegedly termed \"Operation No Return\".

And Bulawayo diamond dealer Erich Block also warns that these slave-labour conditions under which the Chiadzwa diamonds now are produced under control of the Zimbabwean military, also means that such diamonds could be labelled as 'blood- or conflict-diamonds' and could be struck of the Kimberley Press register of diamond-exporting countries, set up to stop the trade of blood-diamonds.

Gruß, Michael
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02 Feb 2009 13:28 #89222
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 22 Jan 2009 10:30
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Moin zusammen.
Tsvangirai risks all as he does deal with Mugabe on sharing power

Zimbabwe’s Opposition took the momentous but hugely risky decision yesterday to enter a unity government with President Mugabe’s Zanu (PF) party, whose brutal and misguided policies have brought the country to the brink of ruin.
Under pressure from South Africa – but to the consternation of some Western governments – Morgan Tsvangirai won the approval of his Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) to take a step that could conceivably mark the beginning of the end of Mr Mugabe’s 28-year-rule but could equally well hand him a much needed lifeline.
“I’m doing what’s best for the people of Zimbabwe,” Mr Tsvangirai told hundreds of jubilant supporters who had gathered outside the MDC headquarters in central Harare.
“He has walked into a trap,” a Western official countered. “Mugabe is not serious about this . . . He will honour as little as he can.”
Robert Mugabe has whip hand in coalition of convenience
ROBERT MUGABE, the Zimbabwean president, will have the power to dismiss his arch-opponent from a government of national unity even though the two men have agreed to join forces in an effort to rescue the country’s ruined economy.
Morgan Tsvangirai, the leader of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), who will become prime minister, could be sacked for incompetence under the terms of a deal that leaves the 84-year-old president firmly in control.
Is morgan Tsvangi rai set to be the latest victim of a regime that kills all it touches?
HAVING WATCHED his fellow Zimbabweans being murdered, tortured, starved and condemned to death from disease by Robert Mugabe, while millions of others fled the country, Morgan Tsvangirai has taken the biggest gamble of his life and entered coalition government with the man accused of subjecting Zimbabweans to slow genocide.
\"If you walk into a lion's den and meet a lion, you should not complain that you met a lion,\" Tendai Dumbutshena, former editor of the now-defunct Zimbabwe Times, warned Tsvangirai. He added that, once they are inside the unity government: \"Mugabe will shoot Tsvangirai and the MDC from short range.\"
Zimbabwe abandons its currency
Zimbabweans will be allowed to conduct business in other currencies, alongside the Zimbabwe dollar, in an effort to stem the country's runaway inflation.
Zimbabwe's starving millions face halving of rations as UN cash dries up
World Food Programme to cut core maize ration from 10kg to 5kg a month – or just 600 calories a day – for 70% of the population
Zim unemployment soars to 94 percent

Out of the country's 12 million people, only 480,000 have formal jobs, down from 3,6 million in 2003, the report said.
Cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe world's worst in 14 years: World Health Organization
Zimbabwe's worsening cholera epidemic has killed 3,028 people out of the more than 57,000 infected and is the world's worst in 14 years, the World Health Organization said yesterday.
MDR-TB Outbreak Could Take Zimbabwe by Surprise
Zimbabwe’s public health system does not have the capacity to identify cases of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis ( MDR-TB ) but conditions in the country point to significant drug-resistance problems, doctors attending a recent National TB Capacity Building and Policy Dialogue Platform meeting in Harare said.
The National TB Co-ordinator, Dr Charles Sandy, said it was likely that a number of MDR-TB cases had already occurred in Zimbabwe but that they had not been identified because the only national TB reference laboratory in Bulawayo was not able to do so.
“We have cases of MDR and XDR (extensively drug-resistant) TB for sure but we have a challenge because our TB laboratory reference, which is supposed to diagnose those kinds of tests, is not able to do so,” Sandy said.
Mliswa urges last-minute farm invasions
HARARE – Fresh farm invasions have been witnessed in Mashonaland West province as frustrated Zanu-PF supporters try to grab pieces of land before the inception of an all inclusive government by Zanu PF and MDC in two weeks time.

Gruß, Michael
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08 Feb 2009 16:52 #89985
  • Globi
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  • Globi am 08 Feb 2009 16:52
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Hallo zusammen,

heute im Weltspiegel um 19:20 Uhr bei ARD,
Simbabwe: Hoffnung für ein krankes Land?

Gruss Dirk
LG Dirk
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