THEMA: We need tips in our planning!!
16 Jun 2016 16:39 #434546
  • Moswic
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  • Moswic am 16 Jun 2016 16:39
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We arriving on saturday in Windhoek and on wednesday we want to be in fish river canyon.

We don't know what to do in between. We were thinking to go to kgalagadi NP, but don't know how far it is from Windhoek and from kgalagadi NP to Fish River Canyon?

We can only do 2 or 3 nights there on the max, because we can start driving on sunday after 11Am to kgalagadi, so maybe we can make it , but maybe not.

We want to do some wildlife driving in that days, and heard that kgalagadi NP is a great park with lot of sights.

What is your advice? What to do?
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16 Jun 2016 17:27 #434550
  • lilytrotter
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  • lilytrotter am 16 Jun 2016 17:27
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Hallo, Moswic,

I wouldn't worry about,

have a look at T4A map - you find it here in the Namibia-Forum >KNOW-HOW >Karten
an you'll have an excellent possibility to plan your route (beside each road you'll find the distance and time you need).

Good Luck
Gruß lilytrotter

Always look on the bright side of life... :-)
Walvisbay boomt
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16 Jun 2016 18:16 #434552
  • Moswic
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  • Moswic am 16 Jun 2016 16:39
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Ok, I hoped people had some experience in real. When I check it says around 6 hours to kgalagadi and from kgalagadi to Fish River Canyou also 5-6 hours.

Don't know if kgalagadi is worth a visit, or that there are other interesting parks on the road to fish river canyon that are better reachable or better then kgalagadi. Also don't know how much time to spend in kgalagadi, is 2 days enough....

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16 Jun 2016 19:14 #434559
  • chamäleon2011
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  • chamäleon2011 am 16 Jun 2016 19:14
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Dear Moswic,

KTP is absolutely worth a visit, but the 6 hours drive from Windhoek to Mata Mata (next entrance to the park) is very optimistic. If you can only start on Sunday at 11:00 you can´t make it the same day because the boarder closes at 16:30. So you have to plan a stop somewhere not too far away from the entrance, can go to KTP on Monday, stay there for 2 nights and leave it early to make it to Fish River Canyon. Sunset is before 18:00 and you shoud make sure that you reach your destination as long as it is still bright.

Another problem is the capacity of accomodation in the KTP. it is a little difficult to get free rooms or campgrounds inside the park. I guess the only possibility for you is Mata Mata or Twee Rivieren, because otherwhise the way to the Fish River Canyon ist too far on Wednesday.

You find a lot of information about the KTP on the Sanpark Homepage, like opening hours, free accomodation, maps and so on.

Kind regards

" I hoped people had some experience in real"
A lot of people here have a lot of experience in real, but you ask questions in a foreign langunage, need very fast answers and everybody who really loves the KTP, stays there for at least 5 days, some people even stay there for weeks. So it´s not too easy to find an answer.
Würde sollte niemals ein Konjunktiv sein.

Namibia 2016: Infos zu Auto+Camps+die "Jahrhundertsichtung"
Namibia 2015: Namibia - Mein Seelenland
Namibia und Botswana 2014: Überraschungstour Namibia und Botswana mit Guide
Namibia 2013: Drei Heidjer in Namibia - Guck mal, Elefanten!
Letzte Änderung: 16 Jun 2016 19:22 von chamäleon2011.
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16 Jun 2016 19:18 #434560
  • chica
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  • chica am 16 Jun 2016 19:18
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hi Moswic

2 days for Kgalagadi is not worth the driving. You should stay there at least 5 days
this park is one of our favourites :) :)
I would suggest to stay somewhere in the Kalahari ( e.g. near Mariental) , another stop in Keetmanshoop to see the quiver trees and then head on to Fish River.

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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: chamäleon2011
16 Jun 2016 21:30 #434576
  • marimari
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  • marimari am 16 Jun 2016 21:30
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can you please post your whole trip here? Which season / month did you choose for your vacation?
It is very difficult to give you any advice without knowing your plans in detail. Where do you want to travel after the Canyon?
Why would anybody drive to the KTP for only 2 nights?
As mentioned previously, not really easy to provide you with any advice for your trip.
Additionally, it would be good to know what is of your interest in general. Safari, nature or something else?
You can also consider to spend some days at Sesriem/Sossusvlei area before heading down south.
However, maybe you have planned to drive there after your visit at Fishriver?
Would be great if you can shed some light into all of the questions people might have.
Be more specific – this will definitely help you receiving the answers you are asking for.
Cheers, Mari
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Letzte Änderung: 16 Jun 2016 21:33 von marimari.
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