THEMA: Coronavirus
05 Mär 2020 19:11 #581871
  • Cruiser
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  • Namibian! Living in SA and NAM!
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  • Cruiser am 05 Mär 2020 19:11
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BikeAfrica schrieb:
… das genau könnte der Nachteil des südliches Afrikas werden.
Grippeviren verbreiten sich bei uns im europäischen Winter besser als im Sommer. Die Viren sind im Sommer wohl weniger lang überlebensfähig und die UV-Strahlung setzt ihnen zusätzlich zu. Wenn das für Corona ebenso zutrifft, fängt das im südlichen Afrika vielleicht erst an …
Man weiß das alles noch nicht …


Ok, dann warten wir es mal ab. Wie schon erwähnt, ich rede von Luftfeuchtigkeit.
Der europäische Winter ist ja feuchter als der Winter bei uns.
Wir haben hier FAST keinen Regen. Trockenheit pur.

Das könnte bedeuten das die Spucke von Dir zu Mir in 5m Abstand schon vertrocknet ist. :woohoo:
Besides 2m recommendation!
Best Regards
Conservation is our passion!

Trustee, Sponsor & SA Contact for 'Desert Lion Conservation'!
Sponsor of Desert Elephant Conservation.
Hobby: Land Cruiser Touring Vehicles. Member of the LCCSA.
Slogan: Tread lightly, leave nothing but your foot prints!
Letzte Änderung: 05 Mär 2020 19:23 von Cruiser.
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05 Mär 2020 19:46 #581873
  • Cruiser
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  • Cruiser am 05 Mär 2020 19:11
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The Ministry of Health and Child Welfare has today confirmed its first Corona Virus case.

Health officials at Katutura Hospital confirmed that a healthy baby boy named Corona Virus Hamutenya was born this morning at 2:30am.

Congratulations to the parents!!
Best Regards
Conservation is our passion!

Trustee, Sponsor & SA Contact for 'Desert Lion Conservation'!
Sponsor of Desert Elephant Conservation.
Hobby: Land Cruiser Touring Vehicles. Member of the LCCSA.
Slogan: Tread lightly, leave nothing but your foot prints!
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05 Mär 2020 20:00 #581874
  • waterlike
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  • waterlike am 05 Mär 2020 20:00
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:cheer: :cheer: :P :P
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05 Mär 2020 20:51 #581882
  • Cruiser
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  • Cruiser am 05 Mär 2020 19:11
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travelNAMIBIA schrieb:
Jeder Passagier wird bei Ankunft am HKIA nach Temperatur gescannt.

From News 24
4. He arrived in South Africa at OR Tambo International Airport, and from there flew to Durban, on 1 March;

Betrifft Wärmebild. :blink:
Best Regards
Conservation is our passion!

Trustee, Sponsor & SA Contact for 'Desert Lion Conservation'!
Sponsor of Desert Elephant Conservation.
Hobby: Land Cruiser Touring Vehicles. Member of the LCCSA.
Slogan: Tread lightly, leave nothing but your foot prints!
Letzte Änderung: 05 Mär 2020 20:53 von Cruiser.
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06 Mär 2020 06:33 #581890
  • travelNAMIBIA
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  • travelNAMIBIA am 06 Mär 2020 06:33
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Hallo Hannesmu,

hier nochmal ganz aktuell auch Infos zur Einreise vom namibischen Gesundheitsministerium.

Viele Grüße
Public urged not to panic after SA reports first case of coronovirus
WINDHOEK, 06 MAR (NAMPA) - Ministry of Health and Social Services Executive Director Ben Nangombe has called on the public not to panic as the ministry has put in place measures to ensure preparedness for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Nangombe told Nampa on Thursday the ministry has learned about the COVID-19 development in South Africa.
The country reported its first case - a 38-year-old male who travelled to Italy - on Thursday.
Nangombe said the public should remain calm, “because when there’s panic, people don’t take rational decisions.”
At a media briefing held last week, the executive director stated that a COVID-19 response plan has been developed and presented to Cabinet and funds were allocated.
He added that TempScanners for detecting high body temperatures have been installed, as per WHO standards, at key ports of entry such as at the Hosea Kutako International Airport, the Walvis Bay International Airport and Oshikango border post. “So far the equipment is working and travellers are being screened with the thermal screening equipment and filling in a specific form where they indicate their travel history for follow-up purposes,” said Nangombe.
He said equipment has also been dispatched to other points of entry, while district hospitals are equipped with the necessary facilities to deal with any possible cases of COVID-19.
The executive director further urged the public to continue practicing good personal hygiene and to seek medical attention should they develop a high fever, coughing or sneezing and shortness of breath.
“Regularly wash your hands with soap and water and cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues or cloth when coughing or sneezing. Also, avoid crowded places and keep a distance of one meter away from anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing,” he cautioned.
The coronavirus outbreak was declared a public health emergency of international concern on 30 January 2020.
Vom 3. Juli bis 14. Juli 2024 nicht im Forum aktiv!
Letzte Änderung: 06 Mär 2020 06:53 von travelNAMIBIA.
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Logi, mika1606
06 Mär 2020 07:20 #581891
  • Hannesmu
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  • Hannesmu am 06 Mär 2020 07:20
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Vielen lieben Dank für die aktuellen Infos.
Heute wird gepackt :)
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