THEMA: Zikomo Safari Camp - South Luangwa NP
03 Jul 2012 17:18 #241974
  • luangwablondes
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  • luangwablondes am 03 Jul 2012 17:18
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The owner has been emailing me with some updates for the new camp.

A couple days ago,
a pack of wild dogs, approximately 15, ran through Zikomo Safari Camp and out onto the flood plain. They were in hot pursuit of an impala. Unfortunately, it happened so quickly, there wasn't time to take a picture.

This afternoon they are going out to see if they can find them and locate their den..
Last night the lions sounded so close I thought they were in the camp....turns out they were on the floodplain right in front of us. Two females, and two males were chasing a herd of impala and puka and took a puku down right in front of the camp.

Great wildlife sightings for a new camp, with a campsite and inexpensive chalets and rustic reed huts.
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: TanjaH
03 Jul 2012 17:50 #241979
  • TanjaH
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  • TanjaH am 03 Jul 2012 17:50
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Many thanks for the info!

Looks and sounds very good an the rates seem to be really fair.

Regards, Tanja
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