THEMA: Corona - Botswana
12 Aug 2021 07:25 #622951
  • GinaChris
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  • GinaChris am 12 Aug 2021 07:25
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Hi Elena,

persönlich denke ich, dass das DWNP, wie auch die meisten privaten Betreiber, es einfach nicht schaffen, Ordnung in das Corona- bedingte Umbuchungschaos zu bringen. Von Reisenden wird über wochenlange Nichterreichbarkeit der Genannten berichtet. Schafft man es dann irgendwann, heißt es: ausgebucht. Jene, die dann ohne Buchung zu ihren Zielen fahren, berichten von leeren camps, in denen sie oft die Einzigen waren.

Hi Simone,

das Verbot des Konsumes von Alkohol ist bestimmt nicht so gemeint, dass man daheim, im privaten Umfeld, sein bereits vorhandenes Flascherl guten Weines nicht trinken dürfte. Es zielt vielmehr darauf ab, exzessiven Alkoholkonsum zu verhindern, um die bereits überlasteten Spitalsbetten, nicht mit Alkoholopfern zu füllen, sondern sie für Corona-Patienten, oder jene die sie aus gesundheitlichen Gründen wirklich brauchen, freizuhalten.

Gruß Gina
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: tigris, Logi, ElenaHanak
12 Aug 2021 13:27 #622981
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  • GinaChris am 12 Aug 2021 07:25
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1 Std·

Gruß Gina
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Logi, Wild Dog
13 Aug 2021 19:19 #623100
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  • GinaChris am 12 Aug 2021 07:25
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Delta-Variante dominant
berichtet über unzählige Impfstoffbesorgungen
möchte auch Kinder unter 12 impfen
ab 16. Aug Mitternacht gilt:
interzonal permits bleiben (er führt nicht aus, ob diese auch für Touristen gelten werden)
das Verbot Alkohol zu verkaufen/konsumieren bleibt
Ausgangssperre nun von 20:00- 04:00

Details werden von den Ministerien in der kommenden Woche bekanntgegeben.

Gruß Gina
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Rajang, Gromi
14 Aug 2021 06:40 #623116
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  • GinaChris am 12 Aug 2021 07:25
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die gesamte Rede
Quelle: fb BWgovernment

11 Std.
Date: 13th August 2021
Venue: State House, Gaborone
TIME: 1900hrs
Ke a le dumedisa.
1. Bagaetsho, I have found it compelling to once again address the nation, having done so recently regarding the COVID-19 situation which is worsening in our country.
The disease burden is weighing heavily on us with infections continuing to increase across the country and precious lives being lost on a daily basis here at home, and throughout our continent. In that regard, and in remembrance of those who have regrettably succumbed to COVID-19 and other causes, I ask that we observe a moment of silence [MOMENT OF
SILENCE] … Amen.
2. I want to highlight that Dr. Edwin Dikoloti, Minister of Health and Wellness recently addressed your representatives in Parliament on pertinent matters, relating to COVID-19 including the procurement of vaccines. I am addressing you tonight because it is necessary for the Nation to be well informed about Government’s efforts to reduce the burden of disease to decongest our health facilities as well update on progress of the procurement of life saving vaccines.
3. My dear fellow citizens, each one of us, including myself, have either lost a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or all of them. This situation calls for each one of us, including myself, to offer psychosocial support including praying for those infected and
affected by COVID-19.
4. Since my most recent update of the COVID-19 situation on 13th July 2021, we have recorded an exponential increase in positive cases and fatalities, severely straining our fragile health care system. This is due to the Delta variant of COVID-19 which is easily
transmissible and apparently more lethal compared to other variants.
5. COVID-19 infections continue to increase and the current projections show that our nation may not have reached the peak or plateau. Our nation has attained the highest prevalence ever. Almost all zones have turned white which represents a disease burden above 50 persons per 100 000 cases.
6. Evidence of deaths is conspicuous and worrisome to all of us. As more lives are lost, people become more helpless and distraught. I know that people become impatient with intervention measures employed and desire vaccines the most. I am also aware that the majority are waiting eagerly to get their first shot, and I know that those who have been fully-vaccinated, similarly want their loved ones to get vaccinated as well.
7. Of course, it saddens me that many have not received a single dose of COVID-19 vaccine, and they are obviously exasperated. I have seen hashtags, such as #vaccinateBotswana , which show how our people have become desperate. It may look-like Government is not trying hard, but I can assure you that the opposite is true.
8. Bagaetsho, I want to reiterate that the top priority of my Reset Agenda, is to carry out a robust vaccination programme that will cover every eligible Motswana. I acknowledge though that the implementation of such a robust vaccination programme has been undermined by the inequitable distribution of vaccines throughout the world. However, I want to assure you that the shortage of vaccines is only temporary and has been caused by an unexpected high demand across the globe that far exceeds global manufacturing capacity.
9. Allow me to inform you that, Government has heavily invested in the procurement of vaccines and to date, over Three Hundred and Ninety Million Pula has been spent. Of this total amount, by February 2021, Government had paid over Hundred Million Pula through the COVAX and the Vaccine Acquisition Trust (AVAT) facilities.
10. So far Botswana has received a total of 658, 690 doses of COVID-19 vaccines comprising of the Sinovac, AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson vaccines.
11. We are also expecting to receive the remaining balance of the ordered one million, one hundred and thirty seven thousand, six hundred and fifty four (1,137, 654) doses of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, one hundred thousand (100 000) doses of the Covaxin vaccine, eighty one thousand, nine hundred (81 900)
doses of the Pfizer vaccine, five hundred thousand (500 000) doses of the Moderna vaccine, three hundred and sixty one thousand, two hundred (361 200) doses of the Sinovac vaccine (made of sixty one thousand, two hundred (61 200) from COVAX and three hundred thousand (300 000) doses bought bilaterally) by March 2022.
12. Furthermore, Government also engaged directly with vaccine manufacturers to increase the chances of securing vaccines for our people. In this regard, we have signed agreements with Moderna to secure five hundred thousand doses (500,000), of their vaccines.
13. We have another agreement with Bharat in India for the delivery of the COVAXIN vaccine and for these we have reserved 100,000 doses which will be paid once the vaccines are released in the coming weeks, between August and September 2021. We have recently signed heads of terms with Pfizer for 2 million doses and hope to conclude the agreement soon.
14. At this juncture, let me recognise the development partners and other countries with which we continue to enjoy cordial diplomatic relations. To this end, we have received thirty thousand (30,000) COVISHIELD from the Indian Government and two hundred thousand (200,000 doses) of SINOVAC from the Chinese Government. The US Government has also donated eighty one thousand, nine hundred (81,900) doses of the Pfizer vaccine, the delivery of which is expected in a few days.
15. Allow me to underscore the fact that the acquisition of COVID-19 vaccines has not been a walk in the park . Despite the delayed supply, we have been constantly engaging with the suppliers for an expedited delivery of vaccines. Indications are that we will receive a significant number of vaccines between August and December 2021.
16. Botswana is simultaneously negotiating for additional doses from several companies. The negotiations include vaccines for children under 12 years old. Our plan is to pre-purchase doses for children even before the clinical trials are completed.
17. “We have been assured by key vaccine manufacturers that to address the global health crisis, all of their current COVID-19 vaccine supply agreements are with governments, governmental entities such as the supranational organizations like COVAX who have capacity to absorb any liabilities that may arise as these products are still under emergency use licensing. The vaccine manufacturers hold the conviction that these government entities are in the best position to fairly and equitably distribute wholesome vaccines across their populations. Under these agreements, governments are responsible for managing allocation and distribution of the vaccine in their country.
18. Bagaetsho, I wish to emphasise the fact that Government continues to implement measures to address the challenges which include, shortage of hospital beds; shortage of oxygen; shortage of health personnel in public health facilities.
19. Our strategic partners have been kind enough to come to our aid at this very critical hour of need. They have assisted us with Personal Protective Equipment and Oxygen Concentrators amongst others. These include local diplomatic missions, private sector and other good Samaritans. I would like to take this opportunity to
thank them for their generosity.
20. The involvement of these different stakeholders to help build capacity on management of COVID-19 has really helped us improve our health personnel’s ability to handle the situation at hand. All these are welcome interventions that assist us in strengthening our capacity and resilience.
21. Bagaetsho, allow me to highlight that no matter how hard we try, the spread of the pandemic will continue if we do not take individual responsibility to follow the health protocols. Importantly, vaccines are not a cure. Vaccinated people must still comply with COVID-19 Safety Protocols since they are still vulnerable to infection. If we do not heed the call to take individual responsibility, the demand for care will soon outstrip the available healthcare resources, a situation we want to avoid at all costs.
22. Let us make sure that we authenticate information before we either share it with others or believe it. This is very important because correct information helps people to make the right decisions at the right time. I therefore urge you to take responsibility to protect yourselves, your loved ones and the nation by wearing your masks appropriately, washing your hands with
soap or sanitizing, maintaining social distancing and avoiding unnecessary travel. Let your health and life come first.
23. Bagaetsho, in view of the worsening situation of COVID-19 in Botswana and its burden on our economy and health facilities, Government has taken the following decisions which will come into effect for 3 weeks from midnight Monday 16th August 2021;
• All public gatherings, including kgotla meetings , merapelo, weddings, patlo and magadi be suspended;
• The number of people at religious gatherings and church services remain at a maximum of fifty (50) and such gatherings and services be held only twice a week;
• Funerals be conducted within a period of five (5) days from date of death and should continue to follow all established COVID-19 health protocols;
• Inter-zonal movement continues to be restricted to essential travel only;
• Reopening of schools be delayed for a further three (3) weeks, except for those students preparing for their final examinations;
• The ban on sale of alcohol remains
• Curfew will now start earlier at 8 pm and end at 4am for the next three (3) weeks after which there will be a review.
24. The different sectors led by the Ministers and Permanent Secretaries will elaborate more on the above measures in the coming week.
25. These restrictions will be accompanied by an acceleration of our vaccination programme throughout the country. With the recent vaccines that have been delivered and those anticipated to arrive this month, it is envisaged that an increase in the proportion of the
vaccinated population; will help the country to prevent severe infections, hospitalizations and deaths.
26. It is therefore imperative that all those who will be vaccinated under phase two, should be ready for vaccination in their localities and therefore self registration for vaccination is encouraged. During this period as well, Home Based Isolation of positive cases
will be optimized.
27. Finally, I urge you to take responsibility to protect yourselves, your loved ones and the nation by continuing to wear your masks appropriately, washing your hands with soap or sanitizing, maintaining social distancing and avoiding unnecessary travel. Let your health and life come first.
Ke a leboga! PULA!!
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: tigris, Rajang, Logi, ElenaHanak
17 Aug 2021 07:13 #623309
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  • GinaChris am 12 Aug 2021 07:25
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Extraordinary Gazette 16. Aug 2021

Gruß Gina
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: ElenaHanak
17 Aug 2021 08:47 #623326
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  • ElenaHanak am 17 Aug 2021 08:47
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Österreich hat Botswana aus der Regelung für Virusvariantengebieten seit 15.08 rausgenommen. Es betrifft auch Sambia und Südafrika. Soweit ich es verstehe, vollimmunisierte brauchen sogar kein PCR-test für Anreise. Da ist wichtig die Regelung von Airlines, natürlich:

Virusvariantengebieten und -staaten sind derzeit:
Brasilien, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mosambik, Namibia, Simbabwe und Uruguay sowie bis 15. August 2021 00:00 Uhr noch Botsuana, Indien, Nepal, Russland, Sambia, Südafrika und das Vereinigte Königreich.
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