THEMA: Nashornwilderei Botswana
10 Okt 2019 06:32 #569939
  • GinaChris
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  • GinaChris am 10 Okt 2019 06:32
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Seit Anfang April 2019 wurden bereits 9 Nashörner gewildert.

19 Std. ·

Gaborone, Botswana (4 October 2019) – A rhino was killed on 2 October, following a recorded poaching incident on 27 September in the core rhino range in the Okavango Delta. This poaching incident brings the number of rhinoceros poached this financial year alone from 1 April 2019 up to now to nine (9), an unprecedented number.

The increased poaching of rhinos is deeply worrying in a country that has over the last few years received rhinos in an effort to safe guard and revive rhino populations. “Botswana does not have many wild rhinos, our population is relatively small” said Dr. Mmadi Reuben, Department of Wildlife and National Parks Rhino Coordinator in Botswana. “We have been losing about a rhino a month to poaching, losing two in one week is unacceptable. If the poaching continues at this rate there will be no rhinos in Botswana in a year or two, especially the black rhino a ‘critically endangered species’.” This will be a huge loss for the country with a strict and strong anti-poaching policy, which the Government has committed immense resources.

The anti-poaching forces have now placed the protection of rhinos and location of these poaching gangs as their highest priority, with two poachers having lost their lives during operations recently. However, as is well known, the Okavango is a very large area with difficult wetland terrain, which these poachers are using to their advantage. Engaging the communities in the Okavango Delta to increase awareness as well as private sector and NGOs will also be crucial in the fight against wildlife crime.

Rhino poaching has been on the increase in the region with South Africa possibly being the worst hit. Namibia also recently recorded poaching of rhinos as well. Rhino poachers it seems have now turned their attention to Botswana.

The Government of Botswana will continue to improve efforts, and is committed to mobilizing more resources to combat and eradicate this scourge. The public and affected (host and nearby) communities in particular are encouraged to report any suspicious activity to the nearest Department of Wildlife or Botswana Police office.

Thank you.


Alice Mmolawa

Quelle: fb BWgovernment
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24 Dez 2019 07:06 #575831
  • GinaChris
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  • GinaChris am 10 Okt 2019 06:32
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15 Std. ·

In October 2019 the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism released a statement regarding the ongoing poaching of rhinoceros in the Okavango Delta. At that time 9 rhinos had been killed between 1 April 2019 and 4 October 2019.

This unfortunate situation on the countries rhino population has continued with more rhinos being killed. From October 2019 to date, 13 more rhinos have been poached. This brings the number of rhinos poached since October 2018 to 31 rhinos with 23 being white rhinoceros and 8 black rhinoceros.

Government has considerably stepped up efforts to address the poaching situation with interventions leading to recovery of some horns and hunting weapons.

During engagement with the poachers seven casualties occurred amongst poachers who were resisting arrest. The Government will continue to do all it can to ensure the protection of this iconic species, which was reintroduced twice in Botswana.

We appeal to all stakeholders including the communities and private sector to support the operations to protect this iconic species. We further call upon members of the community to be vigilant and report any suspicious activities in and around the Okavango Delta to the nearest security agents.

Quelle: fb BWgovernment
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16 Jan 2020 13:13 #577449
  • GinaChris
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  • GinaChris am 10 Okt 2019 06:32
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Botswana Safari News
59 Min ·
Gunshots in the Okavango Delta- Another Rhino massacred

Following gunshots that rattled the Okavango Delta yesterday (Wednesday), this morning it has been confirmed that another rhino is gone.
This is the second rhino to go down to poachers in the delta in a space of two days. On Tuesday a white male was gunned down and yesterday another white went down in NG 32 of the Okavango Delta. Rhinos are poached at an unprecedented scale in the delta and at this scale, they would get finished sooner or later.
There were other two cases of rhino poaching on 3 and 6th, January in the delta.
In December just close to Christmas, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation, and Tourism released a press release stating that 13 rhinos have been poached so far (from 1 April 2019) but other figures point the onslaught as than 20.#bwsafarinews

Quelle: fb Botswana Safari News
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16 Jan 2020 14:46 #577455
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  • freshy am 16 Jan 2020 14:46
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GinaChris schrieb:
Botswana Safari News
59 Min ·
Gunshots in the Okavango Delta- Another Rhino massacred
Quelle: fb Botswana Safari News
Gruß Gina

Ich kann gar nicht so viele Tränen produzieren, wie ich heulen möchte!
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16 Jan 2020 15:26 #577458
  • Cruiser
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  • Cruiser am 16 Jan 2020 15:26
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Botswana hat ja einige Rhinos zur 'Sicherung und Aufbewahrung' von SA. :S Nicht im Delta, sondern wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, bei irgendwelchen Reserves von Diamant- oder Goldminen. Ob das noch sicher genug ist? Sollten mal anfangen sich auf ihren eigenen Bestand zu konzentrieren.
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Letzte Änderung: 16 Jan 2020 15:29 von Cruiser.
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17 Jan 2020 06:28 #577497
  • GinaChris
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  • GinaChris am 10 Okt 2019 06:32
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Botswana Safari News
13 Std·
Two more Rhino carcasses discovered today
Two old rhino carcasses were discovered in the Okavango Delta today taking the total number of carcasses discovered this week to four.
We reported earlier today that on Tuesday (January 14) a white male was gunned down and yesterday (Wednesday, January 15) another white went down in NG 32 of the Okavango Delta.
Information reaching us is that two more old rhino carcasses were discovered today (Thursday 16.) The carcasses are reportedly very old; the other is a decomposed bone of black rhino and the other white rhino.
The two cases take the number of rhino carcasses discovered this week alone to four in total. There were other two cases of rhino poaching recorded on 3 and 6th, January 2020 in the delta.

Quelle: fb Botswana Safari News
Gruß Gina
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: freshy, Logi