THEMA: Elefanten-Management Botswana
17 Feb 2021 10:37 #607455
  • Maecs
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  • Maecs am 17 Feb 2021 10:37
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Mammal1 schrieb:
Maecs schrieb:
Es gibt halt, was die Elefanten angeht, sehr viele Experten. Die meisten davon haben ihre Ausbildung bei Facebook und Co gemacht, haben also ein unfassbares Wissen. Manche waren sogar schon einmal selbst für ein paar Tage im Elefantengebiet unterwegs, was soll man gegen solch geballte Fachkompetenz noch ausrichten?

Du hast den intellektuell und argumentativ beeindruckendsten Kommentar in diesem Thread abgegeben. Zu dieser Leistung möchte ich Dich beglückwünschen!

Danke für die Glückwünsche! Ich entschuldige mich ernsthaft dafür, dass Du Dich hier mit solchen Proleten abgeben musst. Ich für meinen Teil bin eben nur eine kleine Leuchte, aber lernwillig. Ich habe mir jetzt den Thread noch mal durchgesehen, was genau ist nochmal Dein Lösungsansatz? Ich konnte dazu nichts finden, wahrscheinlich natürlich wegen meiner mangelhaften Geisteskraft. Bitte werde mal konkret oder bist Du etwa auch so ein Facebook-Experte?
LG Marcus
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19 Feb 2021 07:56 #607644
  • GinaChris
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  • GinaChris am 19 Feb 2021 07:56
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An einem Bsp. aus Kenya
Die Lösung? ... ist wohl zu großen Teilen dem letzten Absatz zu entnehmen ... und hier auch schon geschrieben wurde.

18 February 2021

There is nothing subtle about a message delivered by an elephant.

More so when you put something in their way, as is being discovered by KiliAvo, a company going ahead with the development of a commercial agricultural project located in the Kimana Wildlife Corridor despite widespread opposition and concerns about negative environmental impacts.

The company has erected an electric fence around the planned 180-acre farm, and this fence has already been reported as having been damaged by elephants on three occasions in the last two weeks. It’s a strong warning of things to come, and the inevitable human-wildlife conflict that results from farming in a known wildlife corridor.

The damage to the fence demonstrates how it is already interfering with elephant movements. Further evidence is satellite tracking data from one collared elephant that shows it approaching the fence, only to divert suddenly in a completely different direction, showing signs of distress, such as increased pace whilst moving away from the fence. Other animals are being affected too, becoming trapped between the fence and a road alongside, putting the lives of animals and human drivers at risk.

Opposition to the farm is currently being heard in court in two different sessions of the National Environmental Tribunal, but KiliAvo is continuing regardless, having dug boreholes, constructed water tanks and a shade net nursery, and taken delivery of a consignment of avocado tree seedlings, still waiting to be planted.

The survival of Amboseli’s wildlife and livestock populations depends on their ability to move and find water and grazing in different seasons. Blocking wildlife corridors will not only lead to increased human-wildlife conflict, but it will also slowly erode the very fabric of this ecosystem. While everyone awaits the outcome of the current tribunal court cases, elephants are taking action of their own.

Gruß Gina
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: freshy, Logi
11 Mär 2021 06:59 #609416
  • GinaChris
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  • GinaChris am 19 Feb 2021 07:56
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Gruß Gina
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: freshy, Logi, mika1606
16 Mär 2021 07:31 #609914
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  • GinaChris am 19 Feb 2021 07:56
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20 Std ·
Construction of the Terra Conservancy-financed electrified Tuli backline fence is a direct response to the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism national elephant management plan, says Minister Philda Kereng.
The fence bars wild animals from encroaching into human spaces while simultaneously prohibiting livestock from crossing into privately owned land and also helps curb poaching.
Speaking at a ground breaking ceremony for the 30km-fence near Mathathane Saturday, Ms Kereng said its construction was the first phase of a long-term plan to curb human-elephant conflict.
The second phase, she said, would entail systematic and regular maintenance of the fence to ensure it continued to provide the intended purpose for the next 20 years.
Terra Conservancy provided P3 million for direct costs of construction and an estimated P1.2 million for monitoring and fence maintenance for the next three years, Minister Kereng revealed.
The minister hailed Terra Conservancy for “clearly living to expectation of what a good neighbour should be doing to help minismise the negative impacts that elephants are otherwise having on crops in the Mathathane and Tsetsebye lands.’
Saying the fence would save government money, she demonstrated that between 2016 and 2019 a total of P1.8 million was paid as compensation for damage to crops and property caused by wildlife.
The minister said the Department of Wildlife and National Parks would use aircraft to chase elephants out of communal lands into animal protected areas.
About the plan, which was being finalised, she said it had among its strategic objectives human-elephant conflict management and mitigation.
“Priority actions under this strategic objective include supporting communities by demonstrating or implementing prevention and mitigating factors,” said Minister Kereng.
Speaking at the event, Terra Conservancy representative, Mr Jurgen Elbertse echoed the minister’s words that the fence would resolve the human-wildlife conflict.
He explained that Koro River Camp in central Tuli was the source of funding for the project.

Gruß Gina
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: freshy, Logi, mika1606
25 Mär 2021 09:50 #610783
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  • travelNAMIBIA am 25 Mär 2021 09:50
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"World’s Biggest Elephant Herd Opened for Hunters to Kill 287"
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25 Mär 2021 15:02 #610829
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  • travelNAMIBIA am 25 Mär 2021 09:50
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Ich nutze einfach mal diesen Elefanten-Thread:
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: freshy, Logi, mika1606