THEMA: Taubensterben in BOTS
18 Jan 2018 13:13 #505985
  • GinaChris
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  • GinaChris am 18 Jan 2018 13:13
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Die fb-Seite berichtet über ein Taubensterben unbekannter Ursache,
und warnt vor Berührung der toten Vögel.
Funde möge man dem nächsten DWNP-office melden.
Gruß Gina

20 Std. ·

The Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism through the Department of Wildlife and National Parks has noted a high number of dead birds (Mourning Doves). A significant number of dead mourning doves carcasses were spotted at Taukgolo (BDF camp) near Shoshong village.

There are unconfirmed reports that other bird species are also dying. However the cause of death is not known at the moment, and the Department of Wildlife and National Parks and relevant stakeholders are working around the clock to establish the cause of these mortalities.

The Public is warned not to eat or touch any carcass of any bird species found anywhere else in Botswana. For those with bird licenses, it is advisable not hunt any bird until the cause of mortalities is established. Parents are requested to ensure that children are protected at all times against eating these carcasses.

Any sightings are to be reported to the nearest DWNP office, Police Station or Kgotla. Members of the public will be informed of any developments concerning the issues. For further enquiries please contact Department of Wildlife and National Parks at: Tel: 3996506
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18 Jan 2018 15:05 #506015
  • beate
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  • beate am 18 Jan 2018 15:05
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Das hört sich für mich nach Vogelgrippe an.

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