THEMA: Tote Flusspferde Linyanti-Shaile
22 Dez 2017 11:51 #502441
  • GinaChris
  • GinaChriss Avatar
  • Beiträge: 4709
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  • GinaChris am 22 Dez 2017 11:51
  • GinaChriss Avatar
Die Regierung von BOTS postet auf ihrer fb-Seite eine Pressemitteilung,
in welcher von toten Flusspferden im Linyanti-Shaile-Gebiet berichtet wird.
Die Ursache ist noch unklar.
Wieder wird vor Kontakt mit den Kadavern gewarnt!
Gruß Gina

20 Std. ·

The Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism through the Department of Wildlife and National Parks wishes to inform members of the public about mortalities of hippos which have occurred in the Linyanti-Shaile area in the Northern Botswana.

The Department is working around the clock to establish the cause of the mortalities.

The public is advised not to touch the dead hippos or any dead animals under any circumstances, nor eat meat from the dead animals found in the river or on land as this is very dangerous.

You are therefore encouraged to report any mortalities to the nearest Department of Wildlife and National Parks or Veterinary Services offices around the country.

The Public will be informed of any further developments in this regard.
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