THEMA: Was für eine geschichte war das? Moremi GR
13 Jan 2010 18:38 #126044
  • schoelink
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  • schoelink am 13 Jan 2010 18:38
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Eine monat her werde ich angeruffen uber ein satelliten telefon von ein man ins Moremi GR.

and here's the story:

Hi Hans,

A kid, about 15/16, came running into our campsite one afternoon in Xakanaxa.
His mom fell off the Defender roofrack whilst he was driving. He jerked the clutch on a pull away. He was in great distess, 'cause he thought that she was dying and that it was his fault. What she was doing on the roofrack in the first place, I don't know and can't understand.
His dad, in the mean time, had loaded mom into the second Defender and rushed her off to the Xakanaxa entrance gate near the airfield, his daughter in the back trying to stem the blood from a very serious cut on mom's head. I loaded the boy and drove to the main gate in a rush knowing that perhaps my sat phone could be off help. My sister, a cattle farmer, jumped in as well. The lady looked in very bad shape, my guess is that she hit her head on the shovel on her way down, and her left leg was very swollen, blue and black, and also bleeding. Father was in a state as the Bots Parks phone was out of order. He asked me to try and arrange a casavac to Maun via my sat phone. Hence the call to Hans as he as inducated on ICE as support in the Maun area. I must admit that I did not check dates, I was under stress as well. My farmer sister, meanwhile, had stabilised mom's head and neck area, and had applied a pressure bandage to stem the flow of blood. When I got back to her she was busy cleaning the leg wound, and stabilising the leg. It is a VERY good idea to carry a large and comprehensive first aid kit, and it's also good to have a farmer who's dad was a vet on board. She was really good!! I only later found out that she had done a range of first aid courses as well.
While I was waiting for Hans to call back, I thought that I should pray for the lady, something I should of done in the first place. I then prayed a simple prayer asking God to please send a plane if it was in His will to do so. Within seconds of me saying "Amen" I heard one approaching. (For three days in Xakanaxa we heard no other plane). I ran the short distance to the airfield and approached the pilot as soon as he disembarked. After hearing my request to casavac he replied that he had a doctor on board and that the Dr should check the lady out first. I approached the dr, he left his bags right there on the runway and followed me to where the lady was lying. He did a thorough examination, complimented my sister on her work, and informed us that although serious, neither off the wounds were life threatening. He then told us that he had an equipped clinic at a lodge nearby, and that we should follow the lodge's Landy, that came to collect him, so that he can attend to the lady at his clinic. The husband did the following, and I called Hans to say all was sorted and returned to my campsite. The day after the dr brought the lady back to their campsite, all cleaned up and stiched up and bandaged, and the day after that he did a house call!
I do not know the lady, or her husband, or the doctor's names. I also do not know the name of the lodge with the clinic. It never crossed my mind to ask!

God bless,

Ich hatte damals nicht viel verstande von sein gesprach uber das telefon aber nach zweiten anruf war mir klar das alles in ordnung war.

Moraal von diese geschichte?: Fahrt niemals mit auf dach eines 4x4 und ein bibel gehört zu deine standard ausrüstung!

Es grusst, Hans Schoelink
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13 Jan 2010 19:25 #126049
  • Jambotessy
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  • Jambotessy am 13 Jan 2010 19:25
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Hallo Hans,

die Geschichte hört sich an, wie aus einem Märchenbuch oder ist vielleicht noch eher unter "Trappergeschichten" einzuordnen.

Wir haben aber jetzt gelernt, dass, wenn wir schon auf dem Dach fahren, wenigstens die Bibel mit nach oben genommen werden sollte. Wahrscheinlich wäre sie dann gar nicht erst heruntergefallen ;)

Nur im Vorwärtsgehen gelangt man ans Ende der Reise.
(Sprichwort der Ovambo)

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