THEMA: Hwange N.P.
11 Jan 2021 11:46 #603393
  • Jambotessy
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  • Jambotessy am 11 Jan 2021 11:46
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Neuigkeiten vom Hwange N.P. 11.01.2021

The dam is full and if it continues raining it will spill soon.
Game activity is still good with lots of lmpala,kudu and waterbuck around with many of them having young ones.

Wild dogs are coming often and most of the times they catch lmpala lambs and sometimes chasing them right through the camp .
Lions are also around and they riar every night.This other day l woke up in the morning only to find them feeding on a water buck near the toilets and l think they might have killed it in the early morning hours as they had not eaten much and there were 9 of them and they fed for about 2 hours and when there were finished they left through the gate and went to sleep at the dam wall and there were there all day .
There is also a leopard which sometimes come inside the camp at night.
Bird life is very good with lots of waterbirds around and many nesting on trees on the dam edges.

The dam is full and still pumped by solar during the day .
Game activity is good with lits of lmpala,kudu waterbuck and warthogs around.Wild dogs have been seen quite often and most of the time have been seen hunting lmpalas around .and also moving between Masuma and kapula areas.

The pan is full and still pumped by silar dueing the day .
Game activity is low at the moment as there is water nearly everywhere and the vleis have water making it difficult for animals to move around.there are a few lmpala,warthog and kudu coming to the waterhole.

The rains are very patchy with some areas getting more than others and in many areas the grass is growing tall and hopefully they will continue raining so that we do not have another drought.

Roads are still accessible even though there are some places which have been damaged by the rains but the road works equipment is still on site where there were repaing the detour near Robins turn off and they will be coming to continue where they left and hopefully they will do all the major roads.

There was not a single campwr ar Mandavu through the festive season and the park was also very quite with only a few vehicles driving around and sometime it went for days without any ine driving around.Also now the countey is now back on lock down for 30 days as covid cases had been rising everyday .

Best Regards,

Nur im Vorwärtsgehen gelangt man ans Ende der Reise.
(Sprichwort der Ovambo)

1x Togo + Benin (mit TUI), 1x Ruanda + Zaire ( mit Explorer Reisen), 3x Kenia (in Eigenregie mit dem Bodenzelt), 19 x südl. Afrika (in Eigenregie Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Sambia, Südafrika/ 17x mit dem Dachzelt und 3x ohne Dachzelt)
Der Administrator hat öffentliche Schreibrechte deaktiviert.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Rajang, Giselbert, Logi, Klaudi, @Zugvogel, mika1606, GinaChris
08 Feb 2021 13:30 #606564
  • Jambotessy
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  • Jambotessy am 11 Jan 2021 11:46
  • Jambotessys Avatar
Neues von Godfrey/ 08-02-2021

The dam is full and is now overspilling ,it even burst out last week but was quickly rebuilt and the river just behind the dam is flowing most of the times.Solar panels have been switched off.

Game activity is good there are a few elephant bulls around and lots of lmpalas and water bucks ,Lions and wild dogs have been coming quite often .The resident leopard is also still around and comes nearly everynight around the camp.
There are now more than 30 hippos in the pond.
Bird life is also very good .


The pan is also full and solar panels have also been switched off.
Game activity is very low as there is water in all the vleis.
Bird life is very good .

The dam is full and has also been overspilling.
Game activity is good with lots of lmpala ,waterbuck ,warthog and Girraffe around .Lions and wild dogs have been seen quite often.
Bird life is very good .


It has been raining heavily almost everyday for the past week and this time it has been raining nearly every where.and sometimes raining all day and night.

There was not a single vehicle in the park .as this pandemic seems not to be slowing down and during the end of January our cases were rising everyday and our lockdown has been extended upto rhe 15'th of feb.

Rains have done a lot of damage on the roads and the road maintaince team will come after the rains

Warm Regards,

Nur im Vorwärtsgehen gelangt man ans Ende der Reise.
(Sprichwort der Ovambo)

1x Togo + Benin (mit TUI), 1x Ruanda + Zaire ( mit Explorer Reisen), 3x Kenia (in Eigenregie mit dem Bodenzelt), 19 x südl. Afrika (in Eigenregie Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Sambia, Südafrika/ 17x mit dem Dachzelt und 3x ohne Dachzelt)
Der Administrator hat öffentliche Schreibrechte deaktiviert.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Giselbert, ALM, Logi