THEMA: wuestenquell farm
02 Apr 2009 21:01 #96701
  • bibka
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  • bibka am 02 Apr 2009 21:01
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Hello everybody,
does anybody know Wuestenquell farm - south of Usakos? Is it worth to visit and to stay there? What road to take from this farm to Windhoek if we would like to cross Gamsberg Pass?
I'm also looking for the information about Farm Omandumba.

Any suggestions will be welcome:) .

Don\\'t hesitate, you can answer me in German language. I understand it.

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02 Apr 2009 21:45 #96710
  • jaw
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  • jaw am 02 Apr 2009 21:45
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hello bibka,

for information about wüstenquell pls look here

for Omandumba you find a remark also made by carsten

there is a search buttom on top of the right side of this page. If you will use it, you can find a lot of informations.

best greetings
Gib jedem Tag die Chance, der schönste deines Lebens zu werden (Mark Twain)
Letzte Änderung: 02 Apr 2009 21:48 von jaw. Begründung: link korr
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02 Apr 2009 22:37 #96714
  • Jens_Dietzel
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  • Jens_Dietzel am 02 Apr 2009 22:37
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Hello Bibka,

Wüstenquell is surrounded by a beautiful landscape and the campsites are very nice. The owner is sometimes a little bit \"mysterious\" but you can hear stories and tales from Namibia!

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21 Apr 2009 06:11 #98582
  • Neleh
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  • Neleh am 21 Apr 2009 06:11
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Hi Bibka,

I was at Wüstenquell in 2005 and last year it was a must for me.
It gives you the feeling to be allone on the whole planet.

If you want, I can send you a few picture. You have to give me
only your e-mail via PM.

To Windhoek I would prefer to drive via Welwitschia drive to Swakopmund and than I would take the C14 via Kuiseb. But perhaps somebody knows
a shorter route. Be carful, for Welwitschia drive you need a permit
and the path from Wüstenquell until there was not realy good last year.

Have fun
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21 Apr 2009 09:15 #98599
  • africangirl
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  • africangirl am 21 Apr 2009 09:15
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Eine Freundin in Namibia war über Ostern auf Wüstenquell und war begeistert. Die Fotos waren wunderbar. Sie hat uns jedenfalls inspiriert auch mal dorthin zu fahren. Auf Campinggebühren angesprochen schreibt sie:

\"Wüstenquell was very special this year.
Mr. Kaspari does not own it anymore. Someone from Germany bought it and it is managed by Alfred Raves and his girlfriend Marieka.
At present the prices are N$80.00 per person per night. The prices will change after October i think to N$250.00 per camps site for max 4 people. Best will be to contact them directly.\"
Anette Seiler
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