THEMA: spitzkoppe community project
25 Mai 2008 19:01 #68497
  • Garajonay
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  • Garajonay am 25 Mai 2008 19:01
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hat jemand Kontaktdaten von dem Spitzkoppe Community Project? Ist es zu empfehlen?
Vielen Dank
und LG,
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25 Mai 2008 21:23 #68506
  • jakkal
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  • jakkal am 25 Mai 2008 21:23
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Hallo,sind saubere gepflegte Campsites mit beeindruckender Kulisse.Es ist eine Qual das richtige Campsite zu finden;weil alle super sind.;)
Und alles :Sponsored by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
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25 Mai 2008 21:40 #68510
  • JuergenD
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  • JuergenD am 25 Mai 2008 21:40
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Hallo Susanne,
ist sehr zu empfehlen, wenn man ein wenig auf Luxus verzichten kann und dafür geniale Landschaft mag. Es gibt halt nur Plumpsklos und kein fließendes Wasser auf den einzelnen Stellplätzen, aber dafür ist es sonst einfach nur Klasse.
Ihr müsst ein oder zwei Nächte autark sein können/wollen.
Vorreservierung aus meiner Sicht nicht notwendig.
Viel Spaß dort
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25 Mai 2008 23:04 #68515
  • Hansen
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  • Hansen am 25 Mai 2008 23:04
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Juli 06 war es dort wunderbar...schöne Plätze, weit voneinander entfernt und die Spitzkoppe im Abend- und Morgenlicht zauberhaft. Viel Ruhe und ein wunderschöner Spaziergang zu Buschmanns Paradies...
P.S. wir konnten dort kein Feuerholz kaufen....dafür einmalige, süsse Mitbringsel aus dem Communityshop...
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29 Mai 2008 13:08 #68853
  • Carsten Möhle
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  • Carsten Möhle am 29 Mai 2008 13:08
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Sehr geehrte Susanne,

eines der community Projekte an der Spitzkoppe ist:


We offer a wide range of activities that you can chose from whether you are camping or on a day visit; at `Gaingu Adventures we will ensure that your visit to Spitzkoppe will be an unforgettable one!!!

These trails are design for u to discover the hidden treasures within the cave. You will also have an opportunity to visit various attractions in and around Spitzkoppe Mountain on foot with train local community guides.

Full Day Trail
Attractions: on this trail you will have chance to visit six (6) different archaeological (rock art) sites and the natural rock arch, while getting more close to the wild life in community game park.
Fauna: you will come in close contact with the various wild animals including but not limited to zebras, springboks, rock dassies and klipspringer. Various common birds and reptiles will also be seen on the trail,
Flora: you will be taken to see various plants species with special interest. You will also visit the Quiver tree (kokkerboom) forest.
Duration: this trail will last about eight to ten hours,
Price: N$ 220-00 per person

The visitor will be provided with traditional lunch. Price Includes lunch, wine and beers/beverages please note breakfast and dinner are not provided


Rock Arch Trail
Attractions: natural rock arch and small bushman paradise
Fauna: you will see various reptiles, birds and wild game
Flora: different species of plants with special interest will be encountered on this trail.
Duration: this trail will last about two hours,
Price: N$ 50-00 per person

Bushman Paradise Trail
Attractions: visit the three rock art sites including the famous bushman paradise, the quiver tree forest and the German old fort area,
Fauna: you will see various reptiles, birds and wild game
Flora: different species of plants with special interest will be encountered on this trail.
Duration: 3 hours, Price: N$ 50-00 per person

Spitzkoppe Village Trail
Attraction: you will have a chance to interact with local villagers as well as visit the school, kindergarten and the clinic. You will also see the performance by the school choir,
Duration: 2 hours Price: N$ 60-00 per person

Cultural Village Trial
Attraction: have a chance to visit the traditional king’s hut and taste the wild berries and traditional beer (home brew)
Flora: you will see wide range of medical plants and the plants that were used as food Supplements.
Duration: 30 minutes Price: N$ 20-00 per person
Traditional food can be provided If arrange for in advance

Game drives
Attractions: visit two rock art sites includes the popular golden snake painting, view wild life from the donkey cart and end the trip with light beverages,
Fauna: zebras, springbok’s, klipspringer, steenbok and many more,
Duration:2hours 30 minutes Price:N$ 180-00 per person


Small Bushman Paradise Tour
Attraction: small bushman paradise and the rock arch
Flora: botter boom (cyphostima courarie,)
Duration:one hour thirty minutes Price: N$ 80-00 per person

Bushman paradise tour
Attraction: chain climbing, two rock art sites and twenty
minutes walk to the Quiver tree forest
Duration: two hours thirty minutes prices:N$ 80-00 per person

Village rides
Attraction: visit the school, kinder garden, clinic and the
local craft shop and mix with the locals as they enjoys traditional beer
Duration: two hours Price: N$ 80-00 per person

For those who will like to reach the Peak of Spitzkoppe Mountain we offer you a chance to reach the highest points without any rope or climbing equipment
Duration: three hours Price: N$ 280 per person

Duration: five hours Price: N$ 380-00

Every day we offer traditional performance to the visitors in the morning as well as in the night to gave the campers an opportunity to watch traditional healing process as well as the cultural dance

Duration:Night: from 20:30 till late Price:N$ 40-00 per person

For bird lovers we offered you to see the very rare and near endemic Herero chat and other bird’s species with special interest.
All you have to do is name the bird species that you are interested in and our train guides will assist you in finding them.

Duration: depends from the bird specie’s you want to see

After the day’s activities and hot sun you have an opportunity to quince your thirst at the BUSH BAR Refresh your self with wide variety of ice cool beers, cool drinks wines, and spirits, AND IT’S OPEN TILL LATE FOR YOUR CONVENIECE

Note on all our tours, rides and trails we offer refreshment!!!!!

Vorausbuchbar nur über gute Reiseveranstalter.

Mit sonnigen Grüßen aus Windhoek
Carsten Möhle
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29 Mai 2008 13:33 #68858
  • cielo
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  • cielo am 29 Mai 2008 13:33
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die nötigen Informationen über das Spitzkoppe Restcamp findest Du bei NACOBTA unter

Ansonsten, einfach genial und bisher hatte ich noch nie Probleme einen Platz zum campen oder auch eine der einfachen Unterkünfte zu bekommen. Die sind übrigens auch mit Frühstück zu buchen.

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