THEMA: Camp Chobe nun Gondwana Collection Namibia
06 Mär 2017 11:40 #466772
  • travelNAMIBIA
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  • travelNAMIBIA am 06 Mär 2017 11:40
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Moin zusammen,

die neuen Websites vom
Camp Chobe: www.gondwana-collect...modation/camp-chobe/ und
Camp Chobe Campsite:
sind nun online.

Die Preise bis November 2017 liegen bei - wie ich finde sehr erschwinglichen - N$ 850 p. P. B&B

Viele Grüße aus Windhoek
Vom 24. August bis 8. September 2024 nicht im Forum aktiv!
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: sternschnubi, Logi, NOGRILA, DoNo
20 Mär 2017 20:26 #468376
  • Kyalami
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  • Kyalami am 20 Mär 2017 20:26
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Zur Zeit schwer zu erreichen, die Zufahrt steht an vielen Stellen unter Wasser plus Matsch. Vorher auf jeden Fall anrufen.
Das war vor 10 Tagen. Wenn der Regen nachgelassen hat geht es vielleicht schon wieder.

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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Hanne, Logi, Sasa
20 Mär 2017 20:29 #468378
  • Kyalami
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  • Kyalami am 20 Mär 2017 20:26
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2 Bilder gleichzeitig geht wohl nicht?
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20 Mär 2017 20:31 #468379
  • Kyalami
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  • Kyalami am 20 Mär 2017 20:26
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Sorry - Noch ein Versuch
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Hanne, Logi
18 Mai 2017 17:30 #475456
  • travelNAMIBIA
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  • Beiträge: 30955
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  • travelNAMIBIA am 06 Mär 2017 11:40
  • travelNAMIBIAs Avatar
Hallo allerseits,

Update vom Camp Chobe - jetzt Chobe River Camp.

Viele Grüße

Renaming: Camp Chobe becomes Chobe River Camp

We had to learn to swim quickly… We had barely taken over Camp Chobe in March, when the heavy rain and masses of water arrived. Wellington boots were our daily companions and our trucks got stuck in the mud while carrying urgent equipment needed for renovations.

But with rain, come blessings. Our new lodge in the Zambezi Region has been renamed Chobe River Camp, and we now know what awaits us in the rainy season. Our lodge team on site has received support and reinforcements. And a second manager has joined the team.

Considering that we care about creating jobs and opportunities for the local communities, we have employed a lot of enthusiastic new employees.

Our team from Windhoek and experienced colleagues from other properties are on site to conduct professional training for housekeeping, reception and kitchen staff, waiters, bartenders and administrative staff.

The guest experience will also be upgraded through structural changes. Meanwhile, the hot water and sewage systems have been completely renovated. We have also entered into negotiations with the Salambala conservancy, to fix the access roads to the lodge.

At the moment, the power supply to the lodges takes our full attention. We want to connect the Chobe River Camp to the national power grid, with the use of its own powerline.

We hope that by the end of June, the chalets will be equipped with power sockets and water cooling systems. The footpaths around the lodge will also be properly illuminated.

The Chobe River Camp is a jewel for nature and bird lovers. We are convinced that a warm service, delicious cuisine and unique lodge ambience will contribute to a top African experience.
Vom 24. August bis 8. September 2024 nicht im Forum aktiv!
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Logi, DoNo