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THEMA: Neue Hotels für Windhoek und Swakop
15 Nov 2013 08:09 #313022
  • Guido.
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  • Guido. am 15 Nov 2013 08:09
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Hallo Chrsitian,

wenn Marriott mit Presseleuten spricht, können sie Dinge natürlich noch blumig ausmalen. Aber die sind auch börsennotiert und da haben sie in der Ausgestaltung Ihrer Informationen nicht so viel Spielraum, sonst wird es teuer. In der Meldung von Marriott heißt es:

«As part of the transaction, Protea Hospitality Holdings would create a property ownership company to retain ownership of the hotels it currently owns (and enter into long-term management and lease agreements with Marriott for these hotels). It would also retain a number of minority interests in other Protea managed hotels. At closing Marriott would manage approximately 46 percent of the rooms, franchise approximately 40 percent of the rooms, and lease approximately 14 percent of the rooms.
The otherwise non-binding letter of intent includes provisions that the parties will negotiate exclusively with each other.
In any event, Marriott does not expect the transaction would have a material impact on its 2014 results.»


Beste Grüße

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15 Nov 2013 08:33 #313029
  • travelNAMIBIA
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  • travelNAMIBIA am 15 Nov 2013 08:33
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Hi Guido,

das klingt in der Tat deutlich zurückhaltender....

Viele Grüße
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