THEMA: Hobatere geschlossen
30 Mär 2011 19:52 #182082
  • tisalima
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  • tisalima am 30 Mär 2011 19:52
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Kam heute von unserem Reisebüro:

We regret to inform you that the likelihood of Hobatere Lodge being able to continue in the future as before is not clear. We are doing all we can to ascertain Hobatere’s future in the tourism industry but it is less than clear at the present time to know what the future decision will be. You have our assurance that as soon as the authorities indicate their intentions in this regard all operators and our loyal supporters will be informed immediately.

As our contract to manage and run the concession has not yet been renewed, we hope you will understand that it is impossible for us to guarantee any future reservations. We tender our sincere apologies for any inconvenience which our state of uncertainty may be causing, but we are afraid we cannot hold to our declared expectation of being able to re-open the lodge on 1 May. As a result, we have to suggest that anyone holding reservations at Hobatere after that date should consider making a contingency plan to move them somewhere else. All prepaid reservations will be refunded. We will let you know as soon as we have any further clarity regarding the future of Hobatere and have this information relayed on to you.

Regarding the Hobatere campsite, please note that the campsite now falls within the “roadside concession” which went out on public tender. Hobatere Lodge will no longer be responsible for any further campsite reservations. For future reservations please contact the Ehirovipuka Conservancy, Chairman: Asser Cell: +264 813523091.

Hobatere Lodge
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30 Mär 2011 20:04 #182083
  • jaw
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  • jaw am 30 Mär 2011 20:04
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zu Hobatere Lodge gab es erst kürzlich 2 threads, nachdem sie im Januar teilweise durch ein Feuer zerstört wurde.
Schau mal hier und hier

Viele Grüße
Gib jedem Tag die Chance, der schönste deines Lebens zu werden (Mark Twain)
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