THEMA: Zimbabwe auf dem Weg der Besserung!
17 Apr 2008 14:55 #65389
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 17 Apr 2008 14:55
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Moin zusammen.
Armed Chinese soliders police Mutare streets
There were no incidents of violence as of mid-morning. However, says Baxter, there was a surprise presence of Chinese soldiers armed with revolvers in the city.
The Chinese, together with about 70 Zimbabwean senior army officers are staying at the Holiday Inn, in the city's central business district.

Ist denn in Tibet nicht genug zu tun?

Gruß, Michael
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17 Apr 2008 15:10 #65391
  • Volker
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  • Volker am 17 Apr 2008 15:10
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Chinesen und ihre Rolle in Afrika diskutieren wir auch hier, es wird langsam unübersichtlich:

Wir können gerne auch über die Stichworte Politik, Westliche Konzerne, Technologieausverkauf, China und Olympische Spiele mit ihren unterschiedlichen Wechselwirkungen diskutieren, aber das ist dann endgültig off-topic...
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17 Apr 2008 17:45 #65402
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 17 Apr 2008 14:55
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Komm Volker, ein wenig politische Phantasie!

Sollte es sich als korrekt erweisen, dass China mit Waffenlieferungen und eigenem militärischen Personal Mugabe an der Macht hält, so wäre dies eine ganz klare Botschaft an alle schwarzafrikanischen Herrscher.

Diese Botschaft lautet:
Gebt uns eure Rohstoffe, und wir geben euch euren Anteil. Macht mit euren Leuten, was ihr wollt, notfalls halten wir euch militärisch an der Macht.

In einigen Jahren könnte es die Ironie des Schicksals sein, dass Du den Todesstoß für Deinen Afro-Optimismus \"off-topic\" stellen wolltest.

Gruß, Michael

SA 'can't stop arms shipment'
Kompletter Schwachsinn!
Die Burger reported on Thursday that the Chinese ship, the An Yue Jiang, was carrying three million rounds of ammunition, 3 500 mortars and mortar tubes as well as 1 500 rocket propelled grenades.,,2-7-1442_2307529,00.html
Letzte Änderung: 17 Apr 2008 17:53 von Yoshikawa.
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17 Apr 2008 18:11 #65403
  • Volker
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  • Volker am 17 Apr 2008 15:10
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Verstehe mich nicht falsch, ich möchte nicht die Rolle Chinas in Afrika off-topic sehen. Da brauchst du gar nicht im Konjunktiv schreiben, die Signale werden heute schon klar gesendet und auch von etlichen afrikanischen Despoten genau so verstanden und genutzt - von Seiten Chinas gibt es keinen unangenehmen Druck in Sachen Demokratieverständnis, Menschenrechte, \"Umwelt\"politik...

Worin sich unsere Einschätzung zur zukünftigen Entwicklung in Afrika im Wesentlichen unterscheidet: Du machst es an den jetzigen Eliten = Herrschern fest und siehst dort keine echte Chance zum positiven Wandel. Ich setze eher darauf, dass sich das Modell Diktatur mit zunehmender (Aus)Bildung und Verbesserung der persönlichen wirtschaftlichen Lebensumstände - auch durch Mikrokredite - zum Auslaufmodell entwickelt.

Und was die Selbstständigkeit anbetrifft: ich lerne immer mehr Schwarz-Afrikaner - sowohl unten vor Ort als auch hier (als Angestellte oder Praktikanten meines Arbeitgebers) kennen, die sehr wohl überlebensfähig sind und ihr Leben selbst in die Hand nehmen können. Und es gibt eine nicht unbeträchtliche Anzahl, die gerne auch wieder in ihre Heimat zurückkehren möchten.
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21 Apr 2008 14:45 #65899
  • Otji
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  • Otji am 21 Apr 2008 14:45
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ich finde Chinas \"Engagement\" in Zimbabwe genauso bedenklich wie das in Namibia.

Die politischen Zustände dort sind sehr schlimm, und auch mit mehr Bildung wird sich das nicht ändern. Jemand, der mehr Bildung hat und die Chance hat, an Macht zu kommen, wird diese nutzen.
Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen,
Die da träumen fort und fort,
Und die Welt hebt an zu singen,
Triffst Du nur das Zauberwort.
- Joseph von Eichendorff
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21 Apr 2008 19:43 #65972
  • tarentaal
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  • tarentaal am 21 Apr 2008 19:43
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Noch Fragen ??? Oder etwa Hoffnung auf besserung ??? Demokratie ala ZANU PF

Mugabe minister accused of gun threats
Chris McGreal | Harare, Zimbabwe
21 April 2008 07:56
Zimbabwe's health minister armed himself with a Kalashnikov and threatened to kill opposition supporters forced to attend a political meeting unless they voted for President Robert Mugabe in a second round of the presidential election, according to witnesses.

The accounts of the incident involving Dr David Parirenyatwa -- as well as witness reports of other forced meetings at which Zanu-PF MPs and senior military officers oversaw the beating of people who voted against Mugabe in last month's elections -- establish a direct link between the highest levels of the ruling party and what the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) described on Sunday as a \"war\" against the people.

An affidavit made before a commissioner of oaths by an opposition activist names Parirenyatwa, along with a deputy minister and other senior ruling-party officials, as threatening to kill MDC supporters.

\"[They] came to Musama business centre in Murewa and threatened MDC supporters with death if they 'revote' MDC in the anticipated election rerun,\" the affidavit says. \"Shops were forced to close down; people were forced to attend the Zanu-PF rally.\"

Other witnesses have confirmed the account by the opposition activist, who is afraid to be identified publicly.

The meeting, on April 10, came as Zanu-PF began what has become an extensive campaign of beatings and intimidation in areas where Mugabe and the ruling party lost ground in the presidential and parliamentary elections.

In the following days, party militias and the army established torture camps in several provinces, where MDC members were taken to extract the names of opposition activists and deter the opposition from campaigning before what is expected to be a run-off between Mugabe and the MDC's candidate, Morgan Tsvangirai, if and when the results of the presidential election are finally released.

The targeted areas include Murewa in Mashonaland East, where two of the city's three constituencies are held by Zanu-PF, one of them by Parirenyatwa. The MDC won the third constituency, Murewa West.

According to the affidavit, Parirenyatwa -- who is on a list of senior Zanu-PF officials barred from entering the European Union and United States -- arrived in Murewa West for a political meeting that the local population was told to attend or face beatings or arrest.

The health minister was accompanied by Joel Biggie Matiza, the Deputy Rural Housing Minister who is also a Zanu-PF MP for the area, as well as the ruling party's defeated local candidate, Lilian Zemura.

Another witness at the meeting said: \"These MPs had guns, they were intimidating people. They said, 'This city is ours. There is no room for sell-outs to the whites. If you support the opposition, you must leave or we will kill you.'\" At least one shot was fired into the air to intimidate people.

Parirenyatwa and the other MPs then broke up an MDC meeting elsewhere in Murewa West. A witness said the health minister was carrying a Kalashnikov. \"People of Murewa West constituency are now living in fear because of the death threats issued by Zanu-PF MPs and thugs,\" the affidavit said.

Ward Nezi, the MDC candidate who defeated Zemura, said his supporters were terrified. \"People are being beaten all over the place in my constituency, beaten up and hospitalised,\" he said. \"My opponent is one of those involved. They cannot accept defeat.\"

Other areas
Ruling-party MPs and senior military officials have incited violence in other areas. Ordo Nyakudanga, a Zanu-PF MP, and Bramwell Katsvairo, an air-force colonel, oversaw a forced meeting in Mutoko last week at which opposition supporters were allegedly identified and severely beaten.

Witnesses say that at the end of the meeting Nyakudanga and Katsvairo sent soldiers to hunt down people who had refused to attend. One of them was Tendai Chibika, who was afraid he would be identified as an opposition supporter. Soldiers found him in nearby hills and shot him dead.

Zanu-PF militias also abducted two brothers, Promise and Ofias Tumu, who remain missing four days later.

In Mudzi, another Mashonaland town, a man called Temba Muronda was abducted last Thursday and found beaten to death at the weekend.

Besides the beatings, some opposition supporters have allegedly been tortured by having burning grass or molten plastic bags dropped on to their skin.

Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, which has documented abductions and assaults, said: \"This campaign of terror has been widespread across the country and is being perpetrated against any person who is suspected to have cast their vote against the ruling party, as well as their families.\"

Abel Samakande, the new MDC MP for Mutoko East, once a Mugabe stronghold, said many of his supporters had gone into hiding.

\"Our members are not sleeping in their own houses. Some sleep in their gardens, some sleep in the hills, because they usually come to get you at night. People are terrified,\" he said. \"During daytime I can move around with other people. In the night I hide -- and I am the MP.\" -
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