THEMA: Zimbabwe auf dem Weg der Besserung!
22 Okt 2008 18:41 #80312
  • Volker
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  • Volker am 22 Okt 2008 18:41
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Nicht gerade ermunternd, wenn nicht einmal mehr ein geregelter Schulunterricht stattfindet. Bisher sind Zimbabwer immer noch vergleichsweise gut ausgebildet worden...

In der europäischen Berichterstattung ist Zimbabwe mittlerweile fast komplett \"vergessen\" worden. Tsvangirai hat letzte Tage die Gespräche zur Regierungsbildung abgebrochen, der SADC ohne Mbeki scheint auch nicht mit Nachdruck auf eine Lösung zu drängen.

Die weltweite Finanzkrise \"verkauft\" sich medial besser - und nebenbei verhungern immer mehr Menschen...
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23 Okt 2008 10:17 #80349
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 23 Okt 2008 10:17
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Moin Helmar,

der Titel des Threads war reiner Zynismus von mir, weil alles Getue auf der politischen Ebene nichts, aber auch gar nichts, für die Bevölkerung gebracht hat bzw. überhaupt bringen sollte.

Und, Volker, die Tendenz auch im Zustand des Bildungswesens des Landes war schon lange abzusehen. In Zimbabwe standen die Zeichen seit 1999 an der Wand, und sie interessierten wenige Leute hier.

In Südafrika stehen sie seit ca. vier, fünf Jahren an der Wand, und sie interessieren nur wenige Leute hier.

Gruß, Michael
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24 Okt 2008 15:40 #80511
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 23 Okt 2008 10:17
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Moin zusammen.
Zimbabwe Health Care Deteriorates With Human Rights
Zimbabwe is—and is in—a problematic state. Once the breadbasket of Africa, the country’s population is suffering the consequences of government policies that have seriously affected its people’s health and quality of life.
Zimbabwe starves as despair grows
This year's harvest in Zimbabwe has been the worst in the country's modern history.
Robert Mugabe may hang on to rule over corpse of his country
Robert Mugabe may be able to hold power in Zimbabwe for \"a very long time\" unless his neighbours intervene, according to a senior Western diplomat.

\"Most of the police already don't get paid. He needs 15,000 to 20,0000 to keep him in power and there's enough meat on the carcass to do that.\"
The only prospects for change were \"either some kind of internal event, either military or political\" – neither of which appeared likely - or \"effective external intervention\", said the diplomat.
\"Mugabe wants what he regards as his prerogatives. He sees this place as a wholly owned subsidiary of Mugabe Inc. He wants to continue controlling this place. The thing is he can.\"

Gruß, Michael
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14 Nov 2008 12:52 #82095
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 23 Okt 2008 10:17
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Moin zusammen.
Starving Zimbabweans raid food lorries
Ten 30-tonne vehicles carrying private imports of the staple maize meal at the Zimbabwean side of the Beit Bridge border post were besieged by hundreds of Zimbabweans desperate for something to eat. Witnesses said that the crowd ripped the stolen bags open to stuff the uncooked cereal into their mouths.
\"I have never seen anything like this in my life,\" said a rancher from southern Zimbabwe. \"I couldn't imagine in my wildest dreams I would ever see Zimbabweans so hungry.
\"Piles of bags of maize meal were on both sides of the road and people from all over the district came streaming in and I saw some breaking open the bags and eating it raw.
The madness that is Zimbabwe
In the madness of Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe, where most people are hungry or on the point of starvation, police stopped one of the largest food producers planting his maize crop nearly two weeks ago.
By this week they had still not allowed him to resume planting the food that millions of starving Zimbabweans so desperately need.
US doctors shocked at state of Zim health system
Remnants of the staff were doing their best to keep the buildings clean. Most wards were empty, the reception areas deserted. Window panes were broken; anthills of earth grew through a cracked floor, and sparrows flew along the corridors, darting into offices and a nurses station.

\"I have never seen anything like this,\" Trubenbach said.
Cholera Deaths Masked In Official Figures
THE Zanu PF politburo was on Wednesday presented with a shocking report on cholera deaths, suggesting that hundreds of people could have died across the country due to the outbreak of the water-borne disease.
Politburo sources said the party’s secretary for health Sydney Sekeramayi told the senior officials that the disease was widespread and had claimed more lives than had so far been publicly revealed.
Harare diary: New abductions
Then the topic turned to the recent abductions; and whether or not the rumours about the renewed violence are true; and if it has actually started again.
One of my colleagues confirmed it was true - people in the rural areas are disappearing in the night, she told us.
She had travelled to her family rural area over the weekend and said everyone was talking about it. She said it is becoming a real worry for the rural folk once more and if we were to have new elections, then how much worse could things get.
The see-no-evil foreign policy
Why post-apartheid South Africa, once a shining beacon of human rights, is cosying up to nasty regimes around the world

Gruß, Michael
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17 Nov 2008 07:19 #82304
  • Yoshikawa
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  • Yoshikawa am 23 Okt 2008 10:17
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Moin zusammen.
Zim faces cholera catastrophe
Zimbabwe's capital could be in the throes of a full-blown cholera epidemic within days. As political leaders fight a cat-and-mouse political game, Harare's townships resemble war zones as scores perish from cholera.

Medical authorities fear the disease could engulf the capital within days.

The government is trying to hide the truth, but it is believed that more than 250 people have died so far.

Gruß, Michael
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17 Nov 2008 08:40 #82307
  • Joerg
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  • Joerg am 17 Nov 2008 08:40
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Habe gerade von Bekannten aus Harare erfahren dass die Wasserversorgung kollapiert. Sie haben bis zu 4 Tagen kein Wasser.
Na da ist es kein Wunder wenn die Cholera sich so gut verbreitet.


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