THEMA: Hwange N.P.
17 Nov 2023 10:25 #677314
  • Mogambo
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  • Mogambo am 17 Nov 2023 10:25
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Vielleicht nochmal zum Thema "Plattformen im Hwange": es gibt 2 weitere neue Plattformen, welche möglicherweise interessant sind, wenn auch mit deutlichen Preisunterschieden.

Sehr interessant ist die neue Plattform des Kapula Camp in der Nähe des Masuma Damm. Die Plattform ist eingezäunt, es werden Betten auf der Plattform für bis zu 4 Personen bereitgestellt, Campingstühle sind auf der Plattform vorhanden, es gibt eine funktionierende Toilette, eine kleine Küchen/ Abwaschecke ist vorhanden und auf der Plattform eine kleine Küchenecke mit entsprechender Ausstattung.

Preise sind unterschiedlich je nach Saison und gestaffelt je nachdem, wie viele Personen buchen, dabei Minimum 2 Personen maximal 4 Personen. Die Preise sind dabei immer pro Plattform-Nacht.

2024 - günstigster Preis Nebensaison: 2 Personen 140,00 $ / 3 Personen 195,00 $/ 4 Personen 250,00 $
2024 - teuerster Preis Peak-Saison 2 Personen: 200,00 $/ 3 Personen 280,00 $/ 4 Personen 350,00 $
Die beiden Zwischensaison haben Preise, die zwischen den genannten liegen.

Daneben bietet auch das neue Silwane Camp (an der Parkgrenze Richtung Kennedy und The Hide) eine Plattform. Heisst bei denen The Somada Exclusive Plattform. Diese befindet sich an einem kleinen eigenen Wasserloch, ist hingegen nicht eingezäunt. Toilette ist vorhanden, sonstige Ausstattung jedoch nur ein Grillplatz. So wie ich das verstehe, sind Betten an sich wohl vorhanden, allerdings wird kein Bettzeug gestellt. Das ist also selbst mitzubringen. Ebenso werden keine sonstigen Camping-Utensilien gestellt (also kein Besteck, Teller, sonstige Campingstühle usw)

Es gibt jedoch die Option eine all inclusive Night für bis zu 2 Personen zu buchen. Dann werden Betten gestellt und Essen und Getränke werden exklusiv zubereitet.

Preise sind hier: minimum 2 Personen, maximal 6 Personen.
Plattform blank und ohne alles: 200,00 $ (4 Personen, auch wenn man nur zu zweit/ dritt anreist), Person Nr. 5 und Nr. 6 jeweils weitere 50,00 $
Plattform all inclusive: 300,00 $ pro Person bei maximal 2 Personen.

LG Mogambo :-)
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12 Dez 2023 15:23 #678700
  • Jambotessy
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  • Jambotessy am 12 Dez 2023 15:23
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Es gibt wieder ein Update von Godfrey:

Compliments of the festive season !!!!

The pan is nearly empty and still pumped by 2 solar powered boreholes during the day .all the other non pumped pans on the circular drives around Ngweshla are all empty and dry.

Game activity is very good with Wildebeast,Kudu,Zebra,Roan,Sable ,Eland and lmpala coming in large herds and lmpala are now startimg to come out with a few young ones . Elephants are also coming to drink nearly all day & night and coming in large herds mostly from midday and the young ones are now the only one which can enjoy swimming as there is not enough water to submerge the older ones

The lion pride is still around with 3 very small cubs ,and they have been huntimg a lot of Sable ,& lmpala near the waterhole.
Wild dogs just come through huntimg and they are always on the move.
and l think its because of too many lions around which ussualy ateal their kills .There is also a resident leopard which comes near the camp in the evenings and sometimes makes a lot of noise as if competing with lions which mormaly roar all night .
The cheetah is coming very less often these days and it looks like she now have 1 cub only .
There is a big herd of buffalo which now comes to drink after about every 3rd day and ussualy comes in the evenings

It is very hot during the day sometimes the temperature hits 40+ degrees and dropping a little bit at night
It hasnt rained and and its very dry even though somedays its overcast most of the times with a few drops of rain ,luckily there hasnt been any mortalities from the drought around Ngweshla.
There is only one old female elephant which was killed by a sub adult bull near the waterhole ,this female looked very old and frail and had been at the waterhole for more than 3hours,Then came a herd of about 17 ellies with 1 young bull and when they got to the waterhole all the others seemed not to notice this old female and went to drink when this young bull came he went straight to the old elephant and started to want to fight with her and she stood her ground and the young bull rsn away and went to drink with the others and the old female started walking slowly in the direction were this herd had came from and when she was about 20 metres from the water this young bull ran after her and pushed her from behind and when she fell he stabed her on the ear with his tusks 4 times and she screamed once and the whole herd went rushing there and they made a circle around her but none touching her ,they stood for about 15 minutes and all left at once and thus when l saw that she was dead.

Bird life if very good with lots of migratory birds starting to come the likes of Armur falcon & red backed shrike seen around the camp

The park is very quite and it ussualy goes for more than a week without campers and sometimes no cars come through for the whole day ,even the private camps are having very few people at the moment .

So far no grading has been done yet but all the roads are still accesible with a few bad places were there are heavy corrugations



LG Jambotessy
Nur im Vorwärtsgehen gelangt man ans Ende der Reise.
(Sprichwort der Ovambo)

1x Togo + Benin (mit TUI), 1x Ruanda + Zaire ( mit Explorer Reisen), 3x Kenia (in Eigenregie mit dem Bodenzelt), 19 x südl. Afrika (in Eigenregie Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Sambia, Südafrika/ 17x mit dem Dachzelt und 3x ohne Dachzelt)
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Giselbert, Logi, MatzeHH
24 Dez 2023 17:45 #679289
  • Seyko
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  • Seyko am 24 Dez 2023 17:45
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Fucking bastards!
Mögt ihr in der Hölle schmoren.

It is hard to report, but we can confirm that magnificent male Lion Netsai, approximate age of 10 years, had been hunted and killed on Forestry Land in Zimbabwe.. (Ngamo-Sikumi Forest.)
Netsai was killed on the Ngamo side.
He leaves his brother Humba...
Humba is being seen completely alone and wandering, stressed without his brother.
Magnificent Netsai was a much loved Black Maned lion who led Cecils Pride with his brother Humba from 2018 to 2021, the Pride consisted of about +-25-members including Cecil’s mates, daughters and grandcubs.
Netsai and Humba were ousted from their territory during 2022 by the fearsome lions known as "The Baggage Handlers".
Since around November 2022 Humba and Netsai where moving in and out of Hwange protected areas.
Richard Cooke is the Professional Hunter who organized the Killing of Cecils son Xanda in July 2017 and holds the hunting rights for this area...
These magnificent Lions along with all the others should be revered as National Treasures and allowed to live out their lives...
Rest In Peace Netsai...
We will never forget you and all the fallen kings who died, Chased, lured and murdered for "kicks" by Colonialist Hunters in the name of CONservation.

Foto von Weihnachten 2022.
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Logi, GinaChris
24 Dez 2023 18:05 #679290
  • Seyko
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  • Seyko am 24 Dez 2023 17:45
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Nur zur Erinnerung, mit was für einem Menschen wir es hier zu tun haben...
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