THEMA: Wie macht mann das? Wide Angle photo of Elephant
10 Dez 2009 18:36 #123197
  • schoelink
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  • schoelink am 10 Dez 2009 18:36
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10 Dez 2009 20:36 #123209
  • jaw
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  • jaw am 10 Dez 2009 20:36
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Hello Hans,

do you know the insurance of this project. I want to contact them -
My insurance would talk with me about negligence.

But it is a great system. In germany some of my friends use automatic systems like this. In september I stood at the farm Immenhof. There I saw pictueres of a very big leopard at the bit made by the same camera.

best regards
Gib jedem Tag die Chance, der schönste deines Lebens zu werden (Mark Twain)
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