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THEMA: Neues von den Löwen in Liuwa
24 Jun 2013 11:28 #293375
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  • easytrack am 24 Jun 2013 11:28
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Vielleicht vist das von Interesse für einige von euch, wie die Löwenansiedelung in Liuwa Plain NP verläuft. Lady Liuwa lebt noch und ist nicht mehr allein, aber ansonsten ist es schwierig.... Quelle: African Parks:

Many people have been asking about what happened to the other female and male lion that were introduced into Liuwa. For those of you that do not know, we introduced two male lions in 2009 and two female lions in 2011 to Liuwa, all were from Kafue National Park.

Liuwa’s two young reintroduced lionesses were faring well until June 2012, when the telemetry signal from one of the young lionesses stopped moving. The worst was confirmed when her collar was found buried in a pan in the Munde River – she had been killed and her collar cut with a knife. Meanwhile, her sister had fled northwards and was tracked moving close to Angola. In a dramatic rescue operation, she was darted and airlifted by helicopter back to the park. She was placed in a fenced boma and the decision was taken to hold the youngster and Lady Liuwa captive here for two months to prompt them to bond. This plan proved successful
and in October, the now firmly bonded pair were released back into the wild.

At the same time, the two male lions wandered out of the park and walked 35km into Angola. Days later our tracking device recorded a sudden u-turn and one of the males appeared back in the park. We were subsequently informed that his companion had been shot in Angola after approaching too close to a village. On the positive front, the surviving male soon teamed up with the two lionesses, mating with them both and by year end there was a functioning, albeit small, pride of lions in Liuwa.

As of June 2013, the three lions have bonded well and continue to roam the plains together. There are no signs of cubs yet. We are all holding thumbs.

This information is in the African Parks 2012 Annual Report, which will be available on the website in the next week or so.
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: helga, TanjaH, KTM, Berg-Eule
24 Jun 2013 14:37 #293414
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  • Berg-Eule am 24 Jun 2013 14:37
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Traurig, dass zwei Löwen getötet wurden, aber immerhin schön zu hören, dass es Liuwa gut geht und sie nicht mehr alleine ist. Bin gespannt, ob es Junge geben wird!
Liebe Grüße von Gabriele

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22 Jan 2014 07:44 #322315
  • Butterblume
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  • Butterblume am 22 Jan 2014 07:44
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gute Nachrichten - es gibt Löwennachwuchs in den Liuwa Plains:
January 2014: For the first time in 10 years two lion cubs have been seen in Liuwa Plain National Park in Zambia to a lioness introduced to the park in 2011.

It is believed that this is the lioness’s second set of cubs and that she probably lost her first set due to inexperience. The father of the cubs is the park’s only male lion. The lioness has hidden her new cubs in thick bush, making it difficult to photograph them.

The mother of the two newly born cubs was one of two young females introduced from Kafue National Park in 2011. Her sister was killed by a snare in 2012 and she, probably traumatised by this event, ran away towards Angola. In a dramatic rescue mission she was darted, airlifted back to the park, and placed in a fenced boma.

African Parks then took the decision to place Lady Liuwa, the park’s only surviving lioness from the mass trophy hunting that occurred in the 1990s, in the boma to encourage the two lionesses to bond. After two months the two lionesses were released back into the wilds and have since been inseparable.

Two male lions, which were introduced to Liuwa from Kafue in 2009, also headed towards Angola in mid-2012 and one was reportedly shot dead by villagers in Angola. His companion, who made it safely back to Liuwa is now the resident male in the pride and father of the two new cubs.

"We are overjoyed to have sighted the cubs and will closely monitor the new offspring to minimise threats to them,” said Liuwa Park Manager, Raquel Filgueiras. “The birth of the cubs will help safeguard the future of lions in Liuwa and strengthen the park’s tourism offering. It is an event in which all stakeholders including ZAWA, the BRE (Barotse Royal Establishment), the Liuwa communities and the park itself can be proud.”

Das Morgen gehört demjenigen, der sich heute darauf vorbereitet. Afrikanische Weisheit

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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Berg-Eule
22 Jan 2014 09:11 #322339
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  • Berg-Eule am 24 Jun 2013 14:37
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Das ist eine Nachricht, die Hoffnung macht - hoffentlich werden die Jungen überleben!
Liebe Grüße von Gabriele

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20 Sep 2014 21:51 #354623
  • rhh64
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  • rhh64 am 20 Sep 2014 21:51
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Gerade lief auf hr3 die Doku über die "letzte Löwin" und endete mit der Umsiedlung der beiden Männchen (Stand von vor ca. 4 Jahren).

Schön zu lesen, dass es nun Nachwuchs gibt.

Das letzte Update von Butterblume ist vom Januar.

Gibt es was Neues?
Beste Grüße

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20 Sep 2014 22:47 #354627
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  • Butterblume am 22 Jan 2014 07:44
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Hallo Ralf,

es gibt leider keine guten Nachrichten...
Liuwa's only male lion found dead
Liuwa’s lion pride has suffered a major setback as its only male lion has died. It is thought that the death of the lion was caused by either poisoning or disease.

Last year, three cubs were born to the pride in Liuwa Plain National Park, Zambia, and as they have not yet reached maturity no new adult male can yet be introduced. Liuwa Park manager Rob Reid explains: “We will have to wait about a year before introducing new male lions to the park – lions typically kill cubs that they have not sired in order to stimulate the female coming into oestrus.”

The death of the lion follows the death of one of only two pride lionesses in early 2013, and the death of another male who was killed after wandering into neighbouring Angola.

The latest lion to die was found by park management close to Miyanda Pool, east of the park on 16 September. The male was wearing a satellite collar and suspicion was raised after GPS signals indicated that he had been motionless since 9 September, but it is believed he died some days after that date.

According to Reid, there was presence of faecal blood discharge and struggle marks on ground, indicating poisoning or virulent disease. “At this stage we don’t know whether the death was as a result of snake bite, deliberate or accidental poisoning, or disease,” he says. “Body tissue samples are being sent for testing but whatever the result, this death represents a real setback to Liuwa’s lion pride.”
Quelle: wildlifeextra.com

Liebe Grüße
Das Morgen gehört demjenigen, der sich heute darauf vorbereitet. Afrikanische Weisheit

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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: rhh64, lionfight, holly
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