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THEMA: Buffalo Camp - North Luangwa NP
15 Aug 2012 18:44 #249125
  • luangwablondes
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  • luangwablondes am 15 Aug 2012 18:44
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Just got word from people who were in Zikomo Safari Camp last week. They were clients with Land & Lakes out of Malawi. They had reservations at Buffalo camp in North Luangwa NP. Found out Buffalo Camp was closed when they got there. For not paying park fees for 3 years.

Eintag vom 17.8.12 durch den Admin:
Das Buffalo Camp ist geöffnet. Das Luangwa Wilderness Camp wurde geschlossen.
Letzte Änderung: 17 Aug 2012 16:30 von chrigu.
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16 Aug 2012 10:59 #249214
  • Ulli
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  • Ulli am 16 Aug 2012 10:59
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you had posted the same message in the overland-forum tonight. But this info is definitely wrong!

For those who are not so familiar with English:

Wir haben selbst für Mark Harvey im Mai / Juni dieses Jahres das Camp aufgebaut und die ersten 30+ Gäste betreut. Das Buffalo Camp ist also definitiv in Betrieb, ganz normal wie jedes Jahr und ohne irgendwelche Einschränkungen. Im Gegenteil: in dieser Saison liegt das Camp erstmals in der Mitte der Rhino Sanctuary im Park. Gäste haben somit die Chance, während ihres Aufenhaltes die Big 5 zu sehen.

Die letzten Photos auf der Kapishya / Buffalo Facebook Seite stammen übrigens von Ende Juli 2012...

Robbie bzw. Luangwablondes ist eigentlich eine gute und seriöse Informationsquelle. Um so mehr verwundert mich, dass er solche (Fehl-) Informationen ungeprüft im Netz verbreitet. Das ist nicht nur ärgerlich, sondern im Zweifelsfall sehr direkt geschäftsschädigend!


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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Diana in Cape Town
16 Aug 2012 16:34 #249268
  • luangwablondes
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  • luangwablondes am 15 Aug 2012 18:44
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I re-verified it with my source this AM. I had sent emails (2 different email addresses) to Mark and they either bounced or no reply.

Why would Land & Lake Safaris clients and drivers lie? I know the owners of Zikomo, and they are not interested in trashing anyone's business.

My issue is that that I know people who have plans to go to Buffalo Camp, some currently in Zambia, and they should have a chance to make alternate plans in situations like this.
Letzte Änderung: 16 Aug 2012 16:37 von luangwablondes.
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17 Aug 2012 07:19 #249367
  • luangwablondes
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  • luangwablondes am 15 Aug 2012 18:44
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From someone who has a reservation in Oct got this back from Shiwa Safaris:
"Buffalo is not closed it is Luambe which is, someone seems to have posted the wrong information on a message board. We are certainly open until early

Kind of a major mistake by Land & Lake Safaris clients and drivers?

Pays for businesses to check their emails and get an email account that doesn't bounce emails when it reaches a limit. Like gmail.
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17 Aug 2012 07:53 #249373
  • Ulli
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  • Ulli am 16 Aug 2012 10:59
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luangwablondes schrieb:

Kind of a major mistake by Land & Lake Safaris clients and drivers?

Pays for businesses to check their emails and get an email account that doesn't bounce emails when it reaches a limit. Like gmail.

With all respects: it is more a major mistake to post non-verified rumors parallel in 3 different boards. You can contact Mark Harvey via email here: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!. No re-bounce and a prompt reply.... Or via phone: +(260) 97 697 0444

Paying for business, mhhh? Look at your own website www.luangwablondes.com. Probably you should buy some additional bandwidth ;-)

Since the internet never forgets I would appreciate if you correct (or delete) your postings in a way that potential clients don't get the impression the Buffalo Camp might be closed or something else might be wrong.

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17 Aug 2012 08:14 #249376
  • luangwablondes
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  • luangwablondes am 15 Aug 2012 18:44
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That email address bounced twice for me. The other emails had no answer.

My website served its purpose and I see no need to pay for extra bandwidth anymore. Mark got lots of benefits from my support in the past and off that website over the past 7 years.
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