THEMA: Need informations about studying working in nam
01 Dez 2022 19:30 #656603
  • Ekhia
  • Ekhias Avatar
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  • Ekhia am 01 Dez 2022 19:30
  • Ekhias Avatar
Hey! I am a high school student in my last year, i am from algeria but i am studying in a french high school so i am passing the french baccalauréat diploma. My dream is to live in Namibia and studying tourism there. I want to know if i study there can i work after my studies, or is it preferable to study in sa to ensure a more international recognized diploma, and if i do it, do i have chances to work in naimbia after that? I prefer althow to study in namibia. Knowing that i speak 4 languages and a half, and i will learn 3 or 4 namibian languages to maximise my chances to be accepted. I will also learn everything about namibian culture and history. I have experience in desert tourism i am Tuareg. Can anyone help me from namibia, i have to make my decision before the application time
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02 Dez 2022 07:51 #656629
  • makis
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  • makis am 02 Dez 2022 07:51
  • makiss Avatar
I can't help you with a particular instruction, but I will give you some food for thought as a decision support:
Every year, thousands of Namibian students with their bachelor or even master in Tourism are flooding the job market looking for employment. When it comes to employing someone, Namibians will always have preference before foreigners. For Namibia, it won't make any difference where you studied - you will not get any job as long as there are Namibians with the same skills and training.
Foreigners are expected to invest, and to create job opportunities rather than "taking them away" from Namibians, so the most promising way of immigrating into Namibia is to invest into an already existing Namibian business, or to set up a company yourself and employ a number of Namibians.
As far as I have learned, in Tourism it's not an advantage to speak some of the Namibian languages (Namibians will always beat you there), but to be fluent in English (the official language of Namibia) and other European languages (it's mostly Europeans and Americans who support Namibian tourism, not Namibians), and maybe additionally Russian and Mandarin.

I don't say your dream is impossible to come true, but it's a long and rocky road and you might find out eventually that you have bitten off more than you can chew. I won't recommend it as I also want Namibians earning a living to be able to sustain themselves. There are many jobless people here.
Yes, I am all "Namibians first" when it comes to jobs they are qualified for, or able to fulfill. Which is also the official position of the Government.

good luck anyways
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Logi, Ekhia
08 Feb 2023 19:06 #661227
  • Ekhia
  • Ekhias Avatar
  • Beiträge: 2
  • Ekhia am 01 Dez 2022 19:30
  • Ekhias Avatar
thank you very much for your response! actually i can't invest i am not even in the college yet, don't have green papers neither credit cards. i understant the situation of the country very well, it is very normal that the government take his citizens in consideration first. But if i study a field that is demanded in the country or wich are in shortage, such as nursing or something in the medical field, do i have chances to get a job after my graduation, knowing that i am not taking anyone's job?. i think that it is anyway better to study in sa for the opportunities but i sill have hope. And sorry for the late answer iv'e just seen your message. thank you for your time
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