THEMA: Bootstouren Caprivi
07 Sep 2023 12:52 #673297
  • buma
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  • buma am 07 Sep 2023 12:52
  • bumas Avatar
Hallo Fomis,

nachdem der gute Dan von Mashi- Safaris nun wohl leider endgültig nicht mehr zur Verfügung steht habe ich untenstehende Mail vom Mukolo Camp, wo er wohl die letzte Zeit gelebt hat, erhalten:
Mukolo Camp New Ventures
Dear all
From 01 OCTOBER 2023 we will be ready to offer the following adventures to our guests who like adventure and something different.
We are offering 1 night sleep over trips on an island on the Kwando River to start with. Should this become a popular event we will consider extending the 1 night to longer
The tour will depart at 10h00 from Mukolo Camp .
Lite lunch/picnic on the river including soft drinks, wine and beer.
Arrive late afternoon at the island to pitch camp. Refreshments will be available.
Dinner will be prepared on open fire/gas (weather permitted). Wine, beer or drinks will be served with dinner .
Next morning the guests will wake up with coffee or tea and include an activity ie walk around the island or short cruise and return to base camp for a hearty breakfast.
After breakfast we will return to Mukolo Camp to disembark around mid morning.
We will provide safe parking and electricity (for camping fridge) at Mukolo Camp while guests are out camping. (Parking area)
Accommodation (camping or cabins) is available at Mukolo Camp. We offer meals on a pre booked basis. Fixed buffet menu available. This must be booked separately from the overnight island excursion. Prices as per existing price structure.
Non resident guests can also book for the overnight experience and leave their vehicle in our parking area at no additional charge.
We require a min of 2 pax per trip and a max of 6 pax. Surcharge of N$900 payable if the group is smaller than 3 pax unless the trip can be combined with another group to make up the numbers.
Tour guides can accompany the guests provided there is space available on the boat (6 pax in total) otherwise he/she can stay FOC on a campsite. Reservation required to secure campsite.
Meals available at normal restaurant price (Pre booked a requirement though)
In event the tour guide accompany the guests a surcharge of N$900 is payable to cover cost of food and drinks on he boat.
At this point in time we are not sure about children under 12. This is wild camping and malaria area and conditions might be tough on smaller kids. Requests will be considered on merit.
Cancellation Policy:
Payment due 30 days after receipt of invoice
50% cancellation fee if booking is cancelled within 14days of reservation.
100 Cancellation fee if booking is cancelled within 10days of reservation date. This include a no show.
If tour has to be cancelled on short notice due to extreme weather conditions we will retain 30% of total fee to cover costs incurred and accommodate the guests on our campsites including meals.
Rates 2023 to NOVEMBER 2024 ( Price quoted in Namibian Dollar)
Rate per person
1 Night Overnight Excursion 2 Pax N$2800 plus N$450 surcharge pp
3 Pax + N$2800pp
Max 6 per boat
Tour guide N$900 if space available on the boat
Extras: Liquor ie Gin/ Whiskey/ Brandy ect additional at bar price. Inform us before departure if required.
Dietary requirements must be mentioned when reservation is made.
Price includes:
Tent/Bedroll/Sleeping bag with inner/inflatable pillow
Lite Lunch

Depart at Mukolo Camp at 10h and return late afternoon
We include lite lunch/picnic on the river, water, cold drinks, beer and wine. Hard liquor available at an addition cost. Ie Gin, Whiskey, Brandy ect

Rack Rate pp STO Rate pp
Daytrip Start at 10h N$1500 pp N$1200pp

Min 2 Pax unless person is prepared to cover cost for at least 2 Pax including surcharge of N$900
Max 6 Pax
Excursions also available to non resident guests (Day visitor)
We also do Fishing excursions and photography tours . For the photography we have a qualified guide who specialize in birding and boat which is equipment with special swivel chairs (2 Pax max on that boat).
We are also planning to arrange camping trips in Mudumu National Park. We will also restrict number of guests we will be able to accommodate. This is also wild camping with no facilities. We will provide the tents, beds, bedrolls, meals, refreshments ect. We will also restrict to one night only at this point in time. (ballpark rate around N$2300pp all inclusive (park fees ect)
Quotes on request.
Another exiting new adventure will be the exclusive boat cruise/sleepover excursion on the river in a rooftop tent on the boat. We cruise up or down river , put anker out somewhere on the river till the next morning. 2 Pax max with guide/cook with all meals and refreshments available.
One would be able to combine the tour with a boat cruise and a fishing experience on the river.
This tour will also start at 10h00 and return midday the next morning.
We will let you know when we are ready to commence with this venture as we are still in the process in preparing a few things to make this venture a reality.
Quotes on request only (ballpark figure at this point in time around N$3500pp)
Please do not hesitate to ask your questions.
This will be a new venture to us and will grow into it well soon enough.
Kind regards

Für mich sieht es so aus, dass sie Teile von Dans Equippment übernommen haben.
Wir haben eine Bootstour am 22./23. Oktober gebucht und sind sehr gespannt, was uns erwartet.

Frohe Grüße sendet
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Pascalinah, freshy, Logi, CoM, Anjo
07 Sep 2023 13:21 #673299
  • waterlike
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  • waterlike am 07 Sep 2023 13:21
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Hallo Marga,
Das hört sich ja gut an, wenngleich es Dan nicht mehr macht. An seine Tour habe ich die besten Erinnerungen. Bin mal gespannt was ihr berichtet.
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: buma
05 Dez 2023 16:33 #678340
  • Phönix1894
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  • Phönix1894 am 05 Dez 2023 16:33
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Hallo Marga,

da wir mitten in den Planungen stecken, würde mich doch mal interessieren, wie die Tour war?
Vielleicht kannst du uns ein paar Sätze hierzu schreiben.

LG Sven
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05 Dez 2023 17:23 #678343
  • buma
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  • buma am 07 Sep 2023 12:52
  • bumas Avatar
Hallo Sven,
am 12. 11. habe ich hier in der Kategorie "Unterkünfte" einen post eröffnet "Unterkünfte während unserer Reise 24.9.-26.10.23" und dabei unter Punkt 24 über unsere Bootstour mit Henny vom Mukolo Camp berichtet. Die Tour war natürlich anders als Dan sie früher gestaltet hat, aber durchaus als Alternative zu gebrauchen. Leider sind (oder waren?) die Zelte nur kleine Wurfzelte, versehen mit zwei Matratzen und Schlafsäcken. Obwohl wir nicht sehr fettleibig sind war der Platz im Zelt sehr begrenzt, weil wir gern Fotorucksack und etwas Gerödel am Mann haben wollten und die Sachen nicht auf freiem Feld über Nacht lagern wollten. Trotzdem haben wir die Tour sehr genossen und manche Sichtung hat uns entschädigt für den fehlenden Comfort.
Bei weiteren Fragen freue ich mich von Dir zu hören.
Liebe Grüße
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Pascalinah, Logi, Phönix1894