THEMA: Wild dog conservationist axed to death
10 Apr 2015 22:01 #381165
  • Butterblume
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  • Butterblume am 10 Apr 2015 22:01
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A conservationist working with endangered wild dogs near Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park has been found battered to death in his cottage, friends said on Thursday. Gregory Gibbard, an Australian who had worked for some time as an administrator for Painted Dog Conservation (PDC), was axed to death on Tuesday night, a friend told News24.

“He was hit twice in the head apparently, with what sounds to have been an axe,” the friend, who asked not to be identified, said in a telephone interview. ”It is assumed that the motive was robbery but this kind of attack is excessively unusual in Zimbabwe,” he added.

Gibbard’s cottage is located near Hwange airport, just outside Hwange National Park, which is in the west of Zimbabwe.

Police are understood to be investigating but there are no reports of arrests so far.

Painted Dog Conservation said in a brief statement: “It comes with great sadness that we need to inform you that one of our founding PDC Inc members and friend Greg Gibbard… was tragically murdered on Tuesday night at the project headquarters.”

Friends took to Facebook to express their shock at Gibbard’s murder. ”Goodbye my dear friend. So sorry. Wish we had a chance to have spoken one more time,” said Colin Yapp.

Sharon Stead wrote: “Absolutely tragic – his death has rocked the Hwange community.”

Painted dogs are also known as African wild dogs. They are among the continent’s most endangered wildlife species.

In its February newsletter Painted Dog Conservation spoke movingly of the links forged between the NGO and the local community, whose head was only identified as Chief Nelukoba. Fifty members of the community have recently volunteered to be part of anti-poaching and anti-snaring patrols, the newsletter said.

“Painted Dog Conservation has been operating there for a long time,” Gibbard’s friend confirmed on Thursday.

Mit entsetztem Gruß
Das Morgen gehört demjenigen, der sich heute darauf vorbereitet. Afrikanische Weisheit
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Erika, buma, picco
11 Apr 2015 20:06 #381262
  • Flori
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  • Flori am 11 Apr 2015 20:06
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Das ist ja ganz schrecklich. So ein tragischer Tod.

Wir waren letzten September in der Painted Dog Conservation - das geht mir besonders nahe.Da fehlen mir die Worte. :(
~ Africa is a feeling ~
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28 Apr 2015 14:09 #383333
  • wum01.des Avatar
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  • am 28 Apr 2015 14:09
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Hallo zusammen,

als ZUsammenhang mit dem Mord gab es inzwischen eine Festnahme:

Man in court for Australian conservationist’s murder

2015-04-15 13:06
Harare - A man has appeared in a Zimbabwean court charged with the murder of Australian conservationist Gregory Gibbard, state media reported on Wednesday.

Xmas Mpofu, 35, is a former employee of Painted Dog Conservation, the group for which Gibbard worked as an administrator, said the Chronicle newspaper in Bulawayo.

He was alleged to have been unhappy with the size of a severance package given to him.

Gibbard's body was found in a pool of blood in his cottage near Hwange National Park last week. He had been axed in the head.

Mpofu was sacked from his job in 2014 after he borrowed a company vehicle without permission and then had an accident, the Chronicle reported.

Police found two buttons in Gibbard's cottage that matched those from one of Mpofu's shirts. They also found a bloodstained axe.

Mpofu is alleged to have threatened Gibbard by email and SMS after he was handed a $2 000 severance package.

The conservationist's death prompted messages of shock and horror on Facebook from people around the world.

Painted Dog Conservation has not reacted publicly to news of the arrest, which happened at the weekend.
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: picco
31 Mai 2015 19:35 #386459
  • Reise_Meike
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  • Reise_Meike am 31 Mai 2015 19:35
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wir haben uns vor 2 Wochen mit einer Mitarbeiterin dort unterhalten.
Es wird vermutet, dass der entlassene Mitarbeiterin über eine Medizinfrau aufgefordert wurde das "Unglück" der Entlassung los zu werden indem er den Mann, der ihn entlassen hat umbringt. Aber das ist nur eine Vermutung. Anders kann man das große Unglück wohl einfach nicht erklären.
Leider bringt das ganze Thema nun auch noch finanzielle Probleme mit sich, da zusätzliches Sicherheitspersonal eingestellt wurde. Diese beiden zusätzlichen Personen sind leider noch nicht finanziert, werden nun aber täglich bezahlt.

Es ist wirklich schrechlich!

Grüße, Meike
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