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THEMA: Neue Steuer in Simbabwe
20 Jan 2015 08:31 #370041
  • SASOWEWIs Avatar
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  • SASOWEWI am 20 Jan 2015 08:31
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Kam gerade aus dem Ticker, wird seit gestern umgesetzt:

Zimbabwe implements tourism VAT
20 Tue, Jan 2015

The Zimbabwean government announced on January 19 that it would start levying VAT on tourism with immediate effect.

The tax applies to payments for accommodation by foreign visitors to Zimbabwe.

The new Statutory Instrument was gazetted late on Friday, January 16, and publicly announced on Monday.

Tourism Update reported on Tuesday morning that VAT had not been passed, but it was passed subsequently and is now in effect.

lg sasowewi
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20 Jan 2015 08:34 #370042
  • schoelink
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  • schoelink am 20 Jan 2015 08:34
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SASOWEWI schrieb:
Kam gerade aus dem Ticker, wird seit gestern umgesetzt:

Zimbabwe implements tourism VAT
20 Tue, Jan 2015

The Zimbabwean government announced on January 19 that it would start levying VAT on tourism with immediate effect.

The tax applies to payments for accommodation by foreign visitors to Zimbabwe.

The new Statutory Instrument was gazetted late on Friday, January 16, and publicly announced on Monday.

Tourism Update reported on Tuesday morning that VAT had not been passed, but it was passed subsequently and is now in effect.

lg sasowewi

And it's 15%...
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Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Reisemaus
20 Jan 2015 08:54 #370043
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  • SASOWEWI am 20 Jan 2015 08:31
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Stimmt, stand in dem Artikel nicht nochmal drin, das hier ist der Originalartikel vom Mai 2014:

GOVERNMENT has postponed the introduction of the 15% Value Added Tax (VAT) levy on tourism operators to January 2015 following an outcry over the new measures which threatened the growth of the sector, Tourism and Hospitality Industry minister Walter Mzembi has said.

Business Reporter

Tourism operators had complained that besides rendering Zimbabwe an expensive destination, the new tax regime would disadvantage international buyers and travellers who had already booked to come to the country.

“It means we have given industry a one-year reprieve from November last year. It is universal practice. The operators, going forward, must convince us that they can do much more with another dispensation than they have been doing to date,” Mzembi said.

The cash-strapped government last year proposed introducing the levy in the National Budget in a bid to tap into the revenues of the tourism sector which has slowly been recovering since the inception of the inclusive government in 2009.

Finance minister Patrick Chinamasa made the proposal in the 2014 National Budget presented in December last year.

“It’s a question of cost-benefit now. What I would hope going forward is that we don’t tax the people upon entry into the country,” he said.
Mzembi said there was need to weigh this against passenger taxes and other issues that may serve as a disincentive to arrivals.

He said heavy taxation would only make the country uncompetitive.

Mzembi called for a national conversation in future with stakeholders and authorities involved in collecting taxes from the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority, the Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe and those manning entry points, among others.

“At entry, do they stimulate inbound travel or they discourage arrivals? We would rather tax them when they are inside the product,” he said.

Tourism operators had earlier this year warned that the VAT which government had levied on the sector late last year would result in more foreign visitors cancelling international bookings to Zimbabwe.

The tourism industry’s contribution to the economy is expected to grow to 15% by 2015.

Government introduced VAT in 2003, but the tourism sector was exempted from tax payments as it was duly recognised as an exporter.

Experts argued that reintroduction of the levy would be regressive following gains made in the tourism sector over the years.
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20 Jan 2015 09:47 #370044
  • Guido.
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  • Guido. am 20 Jan 2015 09:47
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das Mehrwertsteuer auf Hotelübernachtungen etc. erhoben wird, ist international recht üblich. Die bedeutsamere Entwicklung ist, das Zimbabwe sich wirtschaftlich nach einer leichten Erholungsphase von 2009-2013 nun angeblich wieder dem wirtschaftlichen Kollaps nähert.

Die Mehrwertsteuereinnahmen sollen im letzten Jahr um etwa 25% geschrumpft sein, was ein Indikator für eine Wirtschaft im freien Fall wäre. Der (kleine) Aktienmarkt (Zimbabwe Stock Exchange) ist seit der Wiederwahl Mugabes 2013 um noch mal 40% eingebrochen. Die Arbeitslosigkeit soll im letzten Jahr um weitere 10% gestiegen sein. Das kürzlich die Roadtax mal eben verdoppelt wurde, dürfte auch Zeichen eines ziemlich hohen Verzweiflungsgrades sein. Nach BIP-pro-Kopf gehört Zimbabwe mittlerweile zu den ärmsten Ländern auf diesem Planeten.

Aus eigener Kraft kann Zimbabwe kaum noch auf die Beine kommen. Das Land braucht dringendst ausländische Investitionen, wenn es wirtschaftlich wieder aufwärts gehen soll, aber unter den aktuellen Bedingungen investiert eben niemand. Das einzig Gute an der Situation ist: Mit ein paar politischen Änderungen kann man den Kurs recht einfach herumreißen. In der ZanuPF soll es kräftig rumoren. Man wird sehen, was dabei heraus kommt.

Beste Grüße

Letzte Änderung: 20 Jan 2015 09:50 von Guido..
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20 Jan 2015 21:25 #370111
  • Reisemaus
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  • Reisemaus am 20 Jan 2015 21:25
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Hallo zusammen,

Vielen Dank für die Infos. Gilt das nur für Übernachtungen, oder was verstehen sie unter "tourism sector"?
Was ist zum Beispiel mit Flug über die Fälle, oder Eintritt zu den Fällen? Was mit Restaurantkosten und sonstigen touristischen Aktivitäten?
Weiß das jemand?
Viele Grüße
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21 Jan 2015 00:27 #370129
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  • SASOWEWI am 20 Jan 2015 08:31
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Es liest sich so dass nur Übernachtungen betroffen sind.

lg sasowewi
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